Saturday 5 November 2016

Deus caritas est

Image result for fall
Often we get off track regarding our true mission in life, for me that is God in every possible way. But lately, it has not been as much as I should be. Not that I am a saint, but I have always tried to be conscious ever of God, to see God in everything .To be grateful and recognize God in everything-for He has given us everything. All that we are, all that we have is a gift, every moment of existence is grace.

Every moment in life is a newly created wonder that we should be grateful for its mystical  and sacred experience from minute to minute that allows us to grow –to be more awake to out spiritual vitality. Enlightenment is nothing extraordinary, just discovering our place in creation and see the “divine light”.

We should not take creation for granted but realize that through this grace we are able to recognize the divine in all, -in our humanity. We are love, God is infinite love-we are a fractal of that “cosmic consciousness”, outside which there is nothing that exists. One needs to be aware  and understand that “Deus caritas est”.

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