Sunday 16 October 2016

Sex today

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 I love romance and romantic things, but romance doesn't equal sex as we see it today. Gone seem to be the days when we were glued to the screen, be it large or small, waiting in breathless anticipation of the first kiss between hero and heroine. The kiss was the victory, epiphany, the end all be all of the show. After countless minutes, hours of the young lovers coyly gazing into one another's eyes, a kiss completed and in a way, consummated the relationship. It was enough.

In today`s world we have lost so much of that magic of romance, of that special intimacy – well, this is strictly my thought. I consider myself a romantic and for me the physical sex part is not number one on my list when it comes to love and relationships. Today I feel that everything is open, everything is visible, not much is left to the imagination of the mystery of the other person. Most often the first date ends in bed, no time is given for a relationship to flourish and to develop. People know very little of each other, their personalities and their likes and dislikes—that takes at least a little time, not an evening. To me sex has a certain sacredness to it, but that just maybe my own view of life and sex.

Especially in movies nothing is to left to the imagination these days, so no wonder everything goes. No wonder then that the fire dies quickly in relationships and nothing is left hidden to be discovered of love, of romance in the real world when all just becomes the usual, —and sex is simply often just a physical  act, often not of love but of “like” or lust or  simple physical pleasure without any long lasting connection to the person—often a one night stand. It has lost its magic, and the beauty of this most beautiful human experience. Despite the sexual freedom, todays humanity is in a constant state of being unsatisfied despite all the sexual freedom. People are not happier because of the freedom and  this speaks volumes of our modern civilization.

Sex, nudity, foul language are a norm in most movies—nobody even raises an eyebrow as the bedroom scenes become longer and longer and various forms of perverted sexual practices , that were in the past were in  private behind closed doors,  are  now the norm on the movie screens. Sure—pornographic movies, magazines are nothing new, but they were found in certain places, shops, these days it is everywhere. No wonder nothing satisfies  people anymore—as they seek for even more of the strange and the obscene. The media is on a campaign to desensitize us, and it is working.

Sex—is life, however when there are no boundaries, and people can and will do everything –then we shoudn`t wonder at the way the world is. There are limit to things, that does not mean that one is a prude, but what is happening today is rather over the top. Most religions, cultures and traditions have wrapped sex in so much shame and guilt in the past that that too was over the top, there needs to be a balance. However for the last few decades we have the other extreme, free for all sex in society’s value system and  the “entertainment” industry—nothing shocks anyone any more.

 They say sex is really all in the brain. If so, why are we so urged to mold our bodies, protect the sensitivity of our erogenous zones, while ignoring the most important one of all? What makes something precious? Maybe when you can't find it on every street corner and on every newsstand. Maybe it is not having more sex that will make it "better", but less sex. Not that we should go back to a day when it was taboo to admit you enjoy sex, or are made an outcast because of it. But there is a difference between being comfortable with your sexuality, and being uncomfortable feeling the need to prove it to everyone else.

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