Saturday 15 October 2016

A note on fall

Image result for fall trees and colours
As I was driving home from the office today- I got to thinking. There is no season in all the year so beautiful, so radiant with glory, as the early autumn. There is no time when the human soul drinks in so fully the glory and beauty of nature. All objects of beauty are more beautiful while passing away from us. Scarlet, purple, gold, orange, yellow—the different shades of brown, from its darkest and reddest duskiness, to the palest fawn hues-magical images. Times like these I wander in the spirit of deep solemn meditation, through scenes which might well arouse the soul of the poet, or quicken the painter's eye when they behold such magnificence.

I am always in awe at the most glorious  colours of our “Indian Summer”-no painting, no photographs can do it justice time as to its beauty. Canada has one of the most beautiful fall colours in the world, as the “maple” comes and displays all kinds of different hues of unimaginable colours. I wondered , though the weather is still very warm, over 20 degrees Celsius, yet the trees know when to do what they need to do-without instruction. Now one can certainly wonder and muse over the fact of creation. They need no calendar, they need no time they don`t even need temperature at most times. Yet they know.  How?

This is just the visible form that we can observe, how about all the miracles that are hidden in plain sight-that we never even notice or think about and take it for granted. We are so preoccupied with nothing of real importance most often, nothing that makes us more appreciative, more grateful and more compassionate, more valuable human beings- all that which is important for the heart, spirit and soul. We do not understand the secret of this principle, yet we know that it is some law of the infinite mind.

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