Friday 30 September 2016

The ordinary life

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“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” ~Brené Brown

My brother has built a successful career, an extremely lucrative dental practice, with three offices making tremendous amount of money. Now he is building this gorgeous mega mansion-12,000sq. feet of a dream house-indoor pool, movie theater and everything that one can imagine is in it, and I ask myself-would this make me happy? Not at this point in my life-though I have had my fair share of success in life-but now that I am older I seem to have turned a corner, and that no longer interest me.  

For the longest time I sought after happiness in the wrong place, and I wasn’t always leading with my heart to obtain joy. I had a big house, the pool, the European vacations and the trimmings-but now for the past few years I haven`t even renewed my passport. I am happy to be home-desiring to go nowhere and my priorities have changed tremendously.

I have come to the conclusion that I am entirely fulfilled and satisfied with my life at this point. I need nothing, want nothing, desire nothing. And when I look at it that way-I am so very grateful for every moment for being where I am and who I am. I have joy, peace of mind and no emotional baggage. I am happy.

I have learned that it’s not important at all to have that huge house-been there done that, have the T-shirt,  and I have realized what I want now, I already have. I have in a way outgrown the idea of “accumulating more stuff”. I am now  fortunate to live in a moderate home with exactly the things I need, and  much more-for I am happy and joyful. I have the forest, the river and surrounded by love. I am taking it easy-relaxing more, communing with nature and God more on a daily basis-stressing less about the small stuff. I do work-but not as much, maybe I will get back to that more later in time- but today is time to smell the roses, the cut fresh grass and the fragrance of the moment.

Prior to gaining the wisdom of wanting less, I spent a lot of time and effort on material things, because, I thought I deserved it-and that it would make me happy. It did for a long time, but when it did not do  that anymore-I needed to change the plan. So, I did-radically.  

Being thankful for the essentials allows me to live more simply. Thankfulness reminds me of what I have to be grateful for in my current state of life, and that helps me be more present. To be more in tune with the “universe or God”. The best moment is the “now”. Practicing gratitude has enabled me to be entirely present which has become a habit that I practice daily. No I am far from being a saint- but I do get Brownie points for trying, I hope.

I am thankful for my family every day- I love being with them. Life is far too short to squander the moments, there isn`t a minute to waste-mom is 91 and even my grandchildren are growing up. They are truly my favorite people and I love being with them as much as possible. Our family lives very close, almost walking distance to each other-that is such an awesome warm feeling. We are indeed blessed.

Prior to practicing daily gratitude, it was easiest to take frustrations out on them first. Why? Because I am most comfortable expressing myself with them, and they put up with me and love me no matter what. These days if I get the urge to be angry or short tempered -I catch myself literally-and say, ”why am I doing this?” –and I try to self correct.

I want to leave this world knowing that I tried to give people the best version of who I am, with the hope that they know how thankful I am for them. I have so many inspirational and joyful souls around me who inspire me daily to be the best that I can be.  Who love me unconditionally, as I love them. Practicing gratitude has led me to greater happiness and a better me-hopefully.

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale"-it truly has.

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