Sunday 4 September 2016

St Mother Teresa

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Mother Teresa is one amongst the saints today-she was canonised yesterday, 3rd  September 2016. She has joined the angels and saints glorifying God. That little woman did for mankind more than anyone ever has. Her love, compassion, empathy, kindness and gentleness has brought peace to many a suffering soul. Did her efforts make a difference? Certainly it did. She also reminds us that we each can do a little to help others in need, and the world needs not to be the way it is. We each can contribute a tiny bit to lift the consciousness of the planet toward the less fortunate. Blessed be St Mother Teresa-she was a spark of light in the world.   

There is something intrinsically meaningful for the heart regarding light-regarding fire, perhaps it is where we originated from; “we are stuff that stars are made of”. Since I can remember, maybe my convent upbringing- no; I do not think so, for even before  that, I remember being four and having a close relationship with God. It was sort of always there, without being told, or being taught, for my parents were not religious at all. In the past  ten years I have had an even closer relationship to Our Lady –-which waned a little the past year or so. So I am back to the rosary and the candles and incense -also some mantras daily. God- is God under any name, not only the Christian version. Religion is not needed, only a deep “wanting, a deep honest searching” and the sacred is found-within us and without.

Human beings are strange creatures, and at times we turn on a dime for no particular reason away from God, though we always have an excuse. Yet, Our Lady in Her graciousness is always there. Never was there a time when She did not come through on Her promise to us, which is to fulfill whatever we sincerely asked for. She is certainly the only constant in life-well, in my life. Never changing in any way nor Her beloved son Our Lord.

She is exactly the same as She was when I was four years old, walking to church by my self. I vividly remember how I felt- it was a sense of tremendous awe being in the presence of God, if a  four year old can experience that.   But I also remember imagining this light in my heart  each time as I sat in front of the tabernacle-feeling a deep love for God.  This feeling has never left me as I enter a church-any church or temple.

It was a five minute trip from our house to the church. In those days there was nothing to fear, especially being  a little ways outside of the center of Budapest. Yes in all honesty, I actually did that every Sunday-and was not quite six when I had my First Holy Communion. As to how the church going all started I cannot remember, but it did.  The presence God, Our Lady, Our Lord and prayers have been a constant in my life always- though at times my loyalty did wane a bit-but still always present.

For many years, every night I used to light a candle for Her and  burn incense-it gave me a sense of connection, a sense of peace, a deep feeling of love. I have come full circle once more and I am back to my usual ritual . Why do we so easily forget to do things, leave things behind that were dear to us? Often that which brings us closer to the divine?  We tend to skip  over the most meaningful parts of our life, of our very existence, of our reason for being.  Time to wake up. Time to pray incessantly. Time to be conscious of the gifts we have, time to be of grateful.

We are reminded daily of the glory of the creator and the love that infuses all things-all we need is to look consciously at everything around us.  I suppose it just that we become so obsessed with life that the sacred gets left behind.  In reality- we leave behind what is the most important-God. We are like the parable of the Prodigal Son-so many times in life, yet God forgives us and embraces us with love. We are always forgiven and loved eternally for we are a divine spark of the Creator.

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