Wednesday 7 September 2016

Religion:God`s response

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God`s response to religion-an other of my ULC posts- I have been a member there a number of years.

There is a rather strange misconception amongst you, that is; that you think you have the truth. However the truth is far beyond your concept. You see; deep faith seems to say that you have the truth. Which is partially right, but not universal truth in the sense of Divine Consciousness.

No. It does not. For you with faith; you think you have it. Yes you do, but yet none of you will ever have it completely in human form. Sound rather strange. No? Why? Because you have not the understanding to know at this point. An ant sees the world in the way and point of an ant. It has no conception to see things in a human way, it cannot think beyond the parameters of its intellect. It cannot imagine the universe beyond its mind`s vision. Thus you are also. 

You cannot think beyond human concepts, or reason, it is just the way it is now. Thus, I have told you over and over that all that matters is faith. None is superior to an other. I am not speaking in terms of religion, which does fall under this category, but this is not it at  all. Religion just gives you a point of reference, almost like an anchor from whence to proceed for without it you are blown all over the ocean by the winds. Why is this? because I have given you free will. I so love you that is what I have given you- given to all of creation, which you were part in creating. Thus we/you /I AM are all One. 

What I am telling you, listen well to my words; religion is a way, is a philosophy, which is a way only, and being one with the world is the way. It simply helps your higher self to abate your ego, and see what lies beyond for within all these understandings-these religions, these other belief systems will supply faith, which is the energy or impetus for the soul to remember, it is the generating force of spirit, it is my very energy- I, who am Universal Mind. Within faith lies a certain surrender to Me, which lets the light in and allows you to see what is already present within your soul.

What am I saying ? This conversation is in human terms, but realize that I am talking; I have forever been talking to you. There is the understanding that you should hear. In human terms. I know that you have to question with your intellect that I, Universal Mind is talking to you, it it dosn`t quite sound scientific enough especially to you who are searching in the higher realms, you who think that I am beyond reach, you who think that through study you know more than the least. No you do not. But let me tell you, all and everything is possible with me; with God. Question, dis-believe, make fun, it shall not change the facts that I exist and I am all--all that there is even if it sound simple. Be aware that with me everything is possible. I am not just possible for the deeply religious, for the philosopher or the theologists.  I am for the all.

What is it that you should hear? Everything from your core higher self. There are a few who think they should not hear, that they know the truth; but remember that no soul is superior to an other. Yes, you all have the answers to what you need to know. Do you have the understanding of higher self? No, because you need to go step by step-that is my will.

A little about organized religions. Are any correct? Yes, all of them, yet none of them. Only correct that it steers you onto the right path, otherwise none mean anything for nothing can be farther from the truth than what you think exists. All are simply metaphors, fables, parables to get you higher self to wake to the fact that the truth lies within. Who is right?  All yet none of you. This goes to the heart of all other belief systems as well. Nothing on earth has precedence, only how deep your faith lies within that system. Understand this. 

You have no concept at this point as to whom or what I am. I am all religions, yet I am no religion. I am all beliefs, yet I am no beliefs. Thus I am all, yet I am none. Do not fight each other over who is right or wrong; none of you have the answers. Be tolerant, loving, compassionate, merciful and understanding for you all have some answers, yet no answers.

The great monotheistic religions of the planet, and its myriads of fragments--remember all are metaphors, all are stories for you to understand. Do not feel superior to each other, for none of you are. Do not fight each other for you will just mark time. Be what your creator is; perfect, for you are a spark of the Divine Consciousness for that is all you need to understand. 

Be very aware that religions, oh so many, which maybe180 degrees from the conventional ones-like Gnostics, Buddhist, Hindus and all other Eastern including many pagan religions- even agnostics and atheists; believe they are equally as far from the truth than any other--especially what the stories tell you. None is true! So do not fight among yourselves. Have faith and let that be strength, for that will guide you, let that be your only beacon within the dark night of your souls, but the whole truth  is hidden for you cannot understand it at this point. 

Make a point to find a system that will guide you toward me-but make sure it is based on love and all spiraling towards the light that I am, towards all that there is. I the Alpha and Omega-- I the Universal Mind, I the Source of all that there is.

Listen well, do not persecute ones who do not think like you. I assure you that you are all wrong and right in what you believe truly within your hearts; but so are all the others with equally strong faith. Why would I choose some of you and some not? Why would I have favourites? Why would I love one of my other children more than an other? Why would I favour one over an other? Why would I give one more of a chance?

No! you are all equal and have free will to choose. All you need is to choose a faith, a belief system that allows you to see more clearly that allows you to see more light allows you to be more in contact with the divinity within you which is I--Universal Mind, I- Supreme Consciousness I Divine Consciousness-, I whom is  God. However call me what ever you wish as long as it is with the full intention of love.

Let me point out certain truths that do exist, whatever you believe with your heart and soul, so it is. Whatever you do out of negative intentions, or from egos point that will have its consequences, so before you allow any beliefs, methods or techniques that seem to progress you further spiritually, be very sure at what you are accepting and what you are getting yourself into.

There is a very important story that Jesus the great teacher once told;- be like little children in your beliefs. This goes for all religions and beliefs-it simply means be honest, be innocent, be loving, be of good intention and do no harm , the rest will follow as night-day-as night.
I am --Universal Mind, --God.

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