Wednesday 7 September 2016

Ascension through peace

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One of my post my many posts to the ULC

Ascension:  Peace Through Interfaith Dialogue
In October 1986, the United Nations International Year of Peace, Pope John Paul II brought together some 90 religious leaders of diverse faiths in recognition of the vital role of all the world`s religions in promoting a spirit of mutual understanding and tolerance as prerequisites to a peaceful world. They came together in Assisi, Italy, where centuries earlier, St. Francis of Assisi walked gently on the earth promoting values of love, the simple life, a respect for nature and all of God's creation.

There is much talk about ascension, especially these days--to me the above described event was the pivotal point of ascension. The term is almost a New Age phenomena--well it is, not just a religious term . We have arrived finally to some realization that things are changing and ascension is not strictly used for the Ascension of Jesus. Before it was unheard of to even have a fleeting thought about ascension being anything else--for the punishment was hell--for it was a mortal sin.

Thus to the Catholic Church, it was a forbidden subject. . I went to a convent--no it was not in the dark ages--and it was strictly forbidden to even think of another religion it was anathema. Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims even Jews were lost forever never to see God. The protestants with the evangelical movement was the works of the devil--even the term ``Rapture`` was the term of the lost--for the evangelists. The Dalai Lama to me was almost a mythical character--today he dines with the pope. Most religions of the world were under the same roof practicing their religion during the conference at Assisi with John Paul ll organizing it. We have come a long way.

The pope had never left the Vatican only within the late 20th century, had no dialogue with other faiths neither did he ever enter a synagogue, a mosque or a Hindu Temple. It was only in 1964 during Vatican ll that serious changes were made in the church. Before that it was still in the dark ages with its dogma and archaic Canon Laws. There was a huge chasm between the real world and the Catholic world.and mainly due to this the faithful thought that all else was damned and Catholics were the only saved ones. This division has slowly started to narrow starting in ernest with John Paul ll. I am not here to give a sermon on the Roman Catholic faith--but I do believe that ascension has much to do with the events that started in the late 1960`s.

Thus to me ascension has been a process--and yes, I do believe that it was coming of age in 2012. No end of the world but realization for most souls that there is more to humanity than what we perceive in the physical sphere. We in the west, especially Christians, are a little late for the party--for the eastern religions have known this for eons. However--we now--realize that we are more connected than ever, the planet has shrunk, we are realizing that no matter what colour , creed race we are --we are the human race. Some are still resisting this--hard to leave the old ways when all through the generations we thought we were the chosen, the elite and the special. 

However the the time has come for the universal truth to be active within us--some may call this Holy Spirit, some enlightenment, some higher consciousness some simply realization that there is something more. --but we are entering the world of a new paradigm . We are within the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces--which has much to do with wisdom , understanding and about the power of the human soul that is fueled by love.

The progress of this is very visible and tangible--you don`t have to be a philosopher to feel and see this. Looking back at the 25 years of my life--I see tremendous change in the way we perceive things. This is not just in the scientific sphere but the spiritual one as well, probably even more so. People are searching and many have found their own way--there is no one way, but the end result is the same.
This has not much to do with religion. Sure that is a pointer for some--but you could be Dawkins who found his truth in the present, in the now appreciating the values of life--under the term atheist. It is time perhaps--it is time to stop debating whether Jesus is the Christ, or Moses was a terrorist, or of if Buddha did get enlightened under the Bodi tree, whether Mohammed is a true false prophet, or whether Kali is the Goddess of destruction or if the Galactic federation of Light actually exists, or Michael the Archangel is really sending messages-- . It is all irrelevant.

The importance to my mind--strictly mine is that--yes we are ascending, in fact we are further into the process that can be imagined. It has all to do about awareness and recognizing that we are more than a batch of protoplasm--but we are something far more than that. This is not proponent of some church, some faith or some special belief system--it is about that which is timeless, ageless and limitless--the eternal that which is within us, manifests in us and that makes us realize that we are more than clay. That we are all connected and realizing that we are one--and that there is an actual reason for life and that is to ascend further into the realms of understanding the complexity of creation. This has much to do with spirit as well as well as science --thus whether one find ``God``--simply my term of the originator of being--in science or in the spiritual realm, it is irrelevant, the relevance is that one seeks, and realizes the need to seek as we feel that we are perhaps beyond human. 

Yes we have ascended the next rung --to me that what is the interpretation for the next dimension. All are now in a position to choose, no excuses in today`s world. We all have it in us--whether living in Manhattan or the darkest part of the Amazon, we all know and perceive something which is special about life and that this is not simply ``all of it``. For some it may--but ascension is a choice mostly of spirit--it is not a place but a way--of acceptance, compassion, understanding and love --and recognizing our diversity physically as well as spiritually, for all our destinations are the same------just one more aspect that is missing for all to be complete and that is--the Spirit of Assisi--PEACE. Maybe --that too is unfolding, depends on one heart at a time. 

Blessings and peace  to all

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