Deplorable, despicable people: adjective. 1. deserving to be
despised, or regarded with distaste, disgust, or disdain; contemptible
Now I am no fan of either candidate-let me stress.
Now I am no fan of either candidate-let me stress.
It is with this adjective
that the democratic candidate referred to some part of the electorate of the US
yesterday, at a fundraiser filled with the “elites”-the one`s with the money,
not necessarily the class or the pedigree. Now, I don`t do politics-especially as
to preference of any of the candidates. I am a Canadian-thank God, and I have no
say in the matter what so ever anyway. So, politics is not the intent of this
entry; just an observation of human behavior- and an observation of a
despicable political process and a broken system . It all reminds me of Orwell`s “Animal Farm”.
I doubt that many countries
who profess to be democratic- have such fierce, ugly, divisive, deceitful
campaigns as this one-and I have witnessed a few. The struggle for power, for
money, for adulation goes beyond the pale-and the people suffer. Wars are waged, governments get toppled, regimes
get changed-and people die. Mostly the innocents, the ones who find themselves
in the crossfire as well as the thousands of
military who sacrifice their lives fighting some enemy if the far
reaches of the deserts of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Now this is deplorable.
For what are they dying
for? They are all someone`s child, husband, father, mother, brother, sister-no
one takes the responsibility, no one cares. A short apology, a brief “mea culpa”
and on goes the game-and it is done. As Mrs. Clinton so poignantly said
regarding Benghazi –“they are dead-so what difference does it make as to why or
how?” Now this is deplorable. Well it
would make a hell of a difference if it was her child, I am sure.
So what is really deplorable
is how this government treats its people-how, the “political elite” for its own
selfish agenda will do anything to hold onto power, irrespective of the outcome.
They cheat and lie, nothing is sacred, noting is off the board. This is
People are poisoned by their water, 22 veterans
a day commit suicide, hundreds are murdered in the inner cities, the elderly
die because they cannot afford their medications, thousands are on food stamps,
even more are without work, the prisons are full, the police shoot people like dogs, the inner cities are in shambles, the
infrastructures are crumbling, the food banks are empty, young people are dying-Yet the “elite” – nouveau riche party on-eating caviar, drinking champagne and snorting coccain. These Hollywood
stars, sport players , fraudulent wall street bankers, corporate CEOs and the like spend their “easy
come multi-millions” propping up “would be presidents” for their own gain,power and future favours . Now all the above is truly deplorable, despicable and contemptible and utterly
disgraceful. Shame on them.
I am so glad that I am a Canadian.
I am so glad that I am a Canadian.
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