Saturday 3 September 2016


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I have to admit that the computer is a fabulous thing- I have numerous blogs laying  all over the place; and finding them at times is rather a surprise to me-as often I hardly visit them. A discovery of tremendous joy as I read words that I have long forgotten, and wonder who is the soul that has written them.  I have now opened them up all for public reading. I is funny, it is strange it is awesome to revisit them-I am so grateful that I was and am able to document my life in numerous ways-be that in these blogs, or in hard copy form.  I have 7 –good number, each being special with a different theme of sorts.; all open except 1 still.

Once someone commented that this is a labour of love-well it is in a way-hardly finished at all-the only on going ones are really 2 (#3, #4)only-the rest(#1, #5) are being copied form the original slowly, still work in progress for a long time and one is really (#2)part channelled and (#6) is a hodge-podge. Maybe they shall be fished one day-well not all, far too many-but let`s say ”enough”. Also I have to agree with my other-self,  that romance just becomes far too much-but it was fun while it lasted, and I have the evidence to prove it. I think we are very prolific writers, feeds our soul in a way-almost like a drug. Often is more of a conversation with our over-soul-some would say God, perhaps. I know the channelled one is.

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