Tuesday 27 September 2016


Image result for Quantum entanglement
 From book /Biocentrism= "creation by consciousness. Lanza proposes a biocentrist theory which ascribes the answer to the observer rather than the observed. Consciousness creates reality. (we are the active agents), so [it is] suggesting that we are the entities that give meaning to the particular configuration of all possible outcomes we call reality."

 The following quote was one of the earlier one`s I took to heart from the late Wayne Dyer; “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”- this is “intention”, the energy that surrounds all of us. We can train ourselves to tune into this energy and step beyond our minds and egos. This has always been a very profound statement for my life-and in a way I always equated it with – positive change of focus. It is also how the idea of  “The secret” works-or prayer or how everything material is created, including the universe.  So in fact the idea of Shiva/Shakti principle is true- consciousness/energy, is the creative force.

Just the other day I  came across something very interesting, which finally I understand, - “biocentricity”. I will try and explain the way I see it, trying not to get in the weeds.  This gives more of a support to the idea that we are the actual creators of all- in fact we are the process, not of the process. I have heard it before, it has been out there a few years but never made sense to me, now it makes perfect sense ; Biocentric Universe Theory-a theory of everything , the idea that probably Einstein was chasing till the end. The reason why he never found it was that he failed to think that “consciousness “ was the creator, not the universe.

The hypothesis that "life creates the universe, rather than the other way around";--“consciousness” creates everything. This was proposed by the pioneering stem-cell biologist Robert Lanza in 2007, based on ideas by the great 20th century physicist John Archibald Wheeler.

This is a radical change in the way we view the world and our place in it. It proposes that the physical universe evolves in tandem with the evolution of earthly life. The universe exists specifically in relation  to us — similar to how the position and appearance of a rainbow is dependent upon the position of the person seeing it, and is not a fixed, absolute object. According to biocentricity, the universe is incredibly complex not because it just is, but rather, because the biological organisms observing it have become incredibly complex. Today the universe appears in a highly defined, information-rich form to us humans, a species that has achieved an advanced form of consciousness. There is no independent external universe outside of biological existence.

This is perhaps most vividly illustrated by the famous two-slit experiment. When someone watches a subatomic particle or a bit of light pass through the slits, the particle behaves like a bullet, passing through one hole or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave that can inhabit all possibilities—including somehow passing through both holes at the same time.

 This phenomena has been demonstrated by Dossey also, regarding prayer-where some in the experiment had a preconceived idea of the outcome-then the experiments outcome was thus. Merely being aware of the experiment is enough.

From Wikipedia:

"Seven principles form the core of biocentrism. The first principle of biocentrism is based on the premise that what we observe is dependent on the observer, and says that what we perceive as reality is “a process that involves our consciousness.” The second and third principles state that “our external and internal perceptions are intertwined” and that the behavior of particles “is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer,” respectively. The fourth principle suggests that consciousness must exist and that without it “matter dwells in an undetermined state of probability.” The fifth principle points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life. Finally, the sixth and seventh principles state that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding. Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.”

Now without being very scientific, for that I am not-the bottom line is that “consciousness” creates  by observation-which makes sense . All of creation involves our very selves, breaking the assumption that the “universe is out there” into which we arrived into. Conscious perception creates a working universe-by observation, the wave function of a photon collapse, thus a particle pair of electrons are created  in a single atom, this is called entanglement, sharing the wave function -thus possibility becomes a reality. If one particle of the wave function collapses, no matter where the other one collapses also. The entanglement process happens faster that 10.0000 the speed of light according to  experiments at Geneva university. Quantum news travels rather fast not limited by external constraints. If one photon is observed to have a vertical polarization (its waves all moving in one plane), the act of observation causes the other to instantly go from being an indefinite probability wave to an actual photon with the opposite, horizontal polarity—even if the two photons have since moved far from each other.

The strangeness of quantum reality is far from the only argument against the old model of reality. There is also the matter of the fine-tuning of the cosmos. Many fundamental traits, forces, and physical constants—like the charge of the electron or the strength of gravity—make it appear as if everything about the physical state of the universe were tailor-made for life. Some researchers call this revelation the Goldilocks principle, because the cosmos is not “too this” or “too that” but rather “just right for life”. So-but then who made the tailor made universe?

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