Wednesday 24 August 2016

True love vs False love

Image result for love energy

There are 7 billion people on this tiny blue orb, and every experience, every event, every story is different and  nothing ever repeats itself. Also the response to one event may be also totally unique- also never being the same.  By this I mean that there is no right way or wrong way to respond  or to act or to behave when it comes to an event- be that an emotional reaction to a  dramatic situation or to personal relationship, especially love. The same event may happen to a hundred people and their response, outlook and action may be entirely different.  

Now there are certain moral standards that  we hold dear, but that is not what I am saying here.  What may seen absurd or entirely off the wall or crazy comment or observation to one, to an other seems rational and absolutely normal. This is the reason why it is so hard to give advice-our vantage point is different and our view may be at a totally opposite angle to the person asking for advice- especially when it comes to love. Only we can determine what is real for us.

Often we have opinions that are grounded in beliefs from childhood and mostly all behaviors have a deep rooted psychological twist to them. The prism through which we view life stems from our core beliefs – especially fears and insecurities and a deep human need, dependence and of wanting to be loved.

Now, you get the romantics and then the not-so-romantics.  But, here I shall try and thread the needle for the romantics, well my version - which it is the idea that  “real love is forever”  which  probably arose from various religious teachings which interestingly are found in a wide number of the world religions and theological writings.  Perhaps it was traveling monks, along with troubadours, who spread the stories and myths that love is a forever thing.

 The concept that love never ends is distinctly and clearly scriptural in Christianity. Especially in certain Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic traditions there are teachings promoting the idea that all love, even passionate and sexual love, is of divine origin and, thus, is everlasting.  Similar thoughts can be found in the scriptures and theology of Judaism, Taoism and a good many other smaller religions.  Thus, the thesis that one does not fall out of true love but only falls out of false love is quite arguable from a wide range of religious perspectives. Is true only if  is the real thing- that love is forever-yes. Love is a special energy vibrating on a unique level-that we get to feel.

Just a postscript-In most forms of Christianity, Buddhism, some kinds of Hinduism, and especially Sufi Islam, it has been taught that all real love is first of and from the deity, second is not jealous, third is not judgmental, and forth can forgive all.  Therefore, real love is divine and therefore cannot be bad for you in any way I think. 


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