Tuesday 9 August 2016


At last I feel I am home once more, I have been away from myself for some weeks, immersing myself more in my writing, which is often an escape for me. This happen to all of us from time to time for this is nothing unique for we all experience this from time to time. For a while now I have been struggling with myself, and my soul has been rather heavy lately-I could not express it in words  as to why or for  what reason-it just was. 

This is not unique to me, it is just being human and one has to understand that there are no pills for this- no magic potions for it all expression of the soul. The human condition is a continual struggle to find that centre of balance within us where peace and love resides; where there is calm and a feeling of safety. Somehow –the daily stresses, the worry, anxiety, fear takes us off balance and one just feel so very alone, lost, empty and disconnected from that sacred place.  Desolation stares one in the face- God is nowhere to be seen, one feels abandoned. One loses that intimacy with the divine .

But-  I have woken up to a new day this morning, a good day indeed- and to the realization that each day is holy. Sacredness is all around within life. These times when one returns it feel like an awakening- a re-birth, a new beginning  one feels the actual physical return of love to the heart, it feels like a weight lifts from the soul. One seldom notices how each day is a holy place to come to, a  home to self- this feeling  what John O`Donohue calls “belonging”. For the past while I have been separated somehow from my soul , darkness was very palpable, intense filled with all kinds of imaginings of negativity which pursues one –a very vulnerable time for often as there is a possibility to take the low road instead of the high; a juncture to make a choice.

Today I am so grateful to God and to Our Blessed Mother for allowing me to come home to the divine embrace-to bless God for the boundless grace that is showered daily on all of us, the endless mercy and  for God`s eternal love that never ceases.  God`s blessing of allowing me to recognize the miracle of my life, the miracle of  experiencing life in  the greatest of  details. Allowing me experience this awesome creation with open eyes, the magic, the mystery and secrets of  the internal and external world that is such a magical, sacred mystery. Allowing me the realization that life is truly the greatest of blessings. Allowing me once more to feel the warmth of  Divine Presence, of being cared for, being so very loved- and for evoking within my heart a sense of peace, joy and happiness. Above all I am so very humbled filled with gratefulness for  God`s- grace, mercy and love.

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