Tuesday 2 August 2016


When we look at nature, everything seems to be reaching for the light, and within its own sacred time. No rushing-nature has precise timing  for all. The first thing we learn in botany  class, is that all plants are “phototropic”, they contain chemicals within them that is light sensitive and all grows towards the sky. Yes, light from the sun is life giving but it is for me also a  metaphor for God. We all crave to be closer to God, to feel the love and mercy of whoever created us. It is a human longing of the soul, it is an innate passion of human nature to seek out its creator, this unknown energy that constantly creates all out of love. Him that is "the divine light".

Life is a simple act of love, the fusion of a few tiny cells cells-out of which emerges the miracle of life, of creation. Even when we image heaven, it is some sort of place  “up there” in our imagination-well, if there is a heaven or an afterlife.

How arrogant of science as it tends to argue that all are simply  a number of chemicals that came together accidentally in specific sequences - and suddenly life formed. Not one living molecule has been ever created in a laboratory- even if it ever will be how would they explain the sequencing of  the four bases, adenine, cytosine, and thymin, guanine (ACTG)--in a strand of DNA out of which all life emerges. Who determines the order of these nucleotides? And how does one explain that the human DNA has 26,000 genes, and rice over 50,000? What determines the life force?  How did and from what did these four bases arise?  But then the real question is –What is the human soul? What arises from the human heart? What is love?

Oh--humans  how very little we know, sequencing is the easy part, the rest is the eternal mystery-a mystical wonder. There is no explanation of the divine that is within us.

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