Thursday 23 June 2016

Rocks,peppbles and bones

Here is magic all around us-Yet, most of us are so obsessed by accumulation of “stuff”, not what is really important –like  observing beauty, and interpreting as to what it is actually trying to tell us ever so subtly to our spirit what really matters- Yet it is the least important aspect of our lives at times. We want the best in everything that the material world can give us, yet at the end of all ; it is all worthless fools gold.

I watch the river flow at its own pace, gently, quietly; over the  rocks and pebbles- which it has over over hundreds of years, and will still for many more . In the center there is a huge boulder surrounded by thousands of twinkling reflections of sunlight beams that hit the water, creating tiny, twinkling stars  that dance on the surface and around it like fairy spirits –an awesome sight. The boulder  is like on which the “Little Mermaid” sits in Copenhagen- it is here now in my company, and it will still be here when I am long gone, many years from now- a strange thought to think of one`s mortality – as one gets older it seems to me  more and more present and things that were important fade into the back ground.

One`s life becomes more and more  reflections of  the mystery of creation , of the universe  as we seek to find an answer to our lives  so desperately- in many ways and forms; and we come up with nothing except unanswerable questions-and this river will still flow when my bones will be nothing more that a collection of calcium carbonate; now, this is something to think about.

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