Tuesday 12 April 2016

Reflection on talent

I have a few wonderful friends who write, I know two poets and a number of people who are -writers. They all take their craft very seriously, whether they are up for the Pulitzer, Nobel Prize for Literature or simply for the sake of writing their life, heart and soul purpose that is expressed in their words. For them it`s a need like breathing; a choice between life and death as one put it. Sadly, most of them never get published, nor recognition for their hard work for numerous reasons-often not because they not good, but because they are at the wrong place at the wrong time.

One of my poet friends- who is an exceptionally talented poet expressed his deep frustration at being acknowledged by simply a "like " on Face Book and his delight when a person says a few kind word, or even criticism about his work  - he said that he needs nothing except to know that people are reading his work; no adulation, praise or fees are necessary. Yet he writes with the pen of an angel.

This is the fate of most writers as competition is fierce, bloody in a  dog eat dog world; and most are very tender spirits and are not up to the battle- and they have a hard time even putting bread on the table. This is not a reflection upon their talents, but upon society that seldom sees what needs to be seen; especially appreciate beauty in various forms of expression; especially in words. This has been like this forever regarding all kinds of art. Most great artists never sold one piece of their art, and posthumously they are sold for multi millions of dollars.

Sad reflection upon humanity and as to what we hold dear in the world- for it is the poets and writers they are the keepers and the story tellers of the human spirit,-they see with different eyes; without them we would  not exist  for through them come the message of our ancestors -their lives, loves and story of life itself. Sadly, they are greatly devalued, and sadly often they die in deep sadness, desperation, filled with regrets and  feelings of unfulfilled lives. Yet-they are the exceptional souls that see what the average human being fails to see; so then what is their talent?- a blessing or curse or  both?

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