Sunday 24 April 2016


Listening to  Leonard Cohen just does something to the soul- for my soul anyway. It is such a wonderful feeling to hear his music; to hear his words wash over me like a soft wave bringing back so many ancient memories. Perhaps it reminds me of ages past, of lives lived, before-the good, the bad and the ugly as we navigate back to our source.

At times I feel so alone, yet I know I am not- just at times like this for a brief moment  I feel such a sense of loss, the feeling does not stay long, but it is certainly present this evening. It is like standing in quicksand at times, and the questions keep nagging at me-though I know that I  know and understand the answers. My soul understands but tonight my heart certainly does not. Hard to fight back the tears as my mind wanders along the path of my life. I so miss the past, I so miss home but  above all I so miss us.

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