Twin Souls? I have often wondered if that reality exists. Does it ?
is it created out of the ethers when one is deeply love with an other? A
mirage of love? The spirit of love? A trick of a playful Cupid perhaps?
Fantasy of imagination? A yearning of spirit to find itself ? Finding
God within? Seeing the Divine purpose?
Philosophers, theologists, esoteric thinkers, scientists you and I have pondered
the question, but all the work comes down to one thing: It has all to do
~ self experience ~
is like faith, either you have it, feel it, taste it, know it or you
just don`t . Can`t learn it either, or be told how to feel it. In fact it
is the expression of God within that comes closest for me. But then, I
love God with every cell of my body and are forever filled with
gratitude. I am not talking religion here, but God of Creation, the
Omnipotent, the ALL, the all IS, the great I AM that I AM. Pure Spirit,
Universal Consciousness, Energy, the Omega and Alpha.
searches, searches not knowing for what, but the dire need is there.
Something that is missing, something that makes a whole, something that
which makes being viable, something that makes sense
thought of all of the above and more until I experienced it. Maybe that
too is in the mind, but as science is theorizing, all of reality is a
hologram, multiple universes that we occupy. Thus, I feel no more an
outcast with with my feelings and emotions, even maybe, theory.
is like finding ones`s very self, a mirror image. A part that was
missing, yet we don`t know what that is until found. A part that makes a
semicircle whole, a part that one forever searches for and suddenly it
is complete. Something that at that moment makes so much sense that one
cannot even describe it. Like all coming together, merging together from
duality into singularity.
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