Tuesday 27 January 2015

So many....

I suppose the question here arises in many a mind as to how come there are so many entries here to-day? I think I have to explain to my many friends reading these posts who are probably extremely curious.

I have a number of blogs out there in cyberspace-some open some closed, I am trying in some way to amalgamate them in some meaningful fashion- A very long process indeed, but I need to do it. As someone once said, rightly so: "what is the use of writing blogs, journals or narratives if nobody reads them".

So having said this I hope that you are no longer curious. I have to add -originally this was a "private, personal blog"-for Oliver and I, a minute documenting part of the dialogue, thoughts between us over many years.  Though some other observations and dialogues have crept in through time. However, what ever is in them come from the heart and can be read by anyone, as it is the truth. So it is now completely public-everyone is welcome to read it.

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