Tuesday 27 January 2015

All is connected

We are all connected!....each and everything.

As all good things come to an end, or reveled. I am hereby exiting one persona. We are many people within many names, with many different guises all at once. Yes sinners and saints all at once within our different fragments of our earthly existence. 

Thus, here is the parting of sweet innocence and the lady of the night so to speak, metaphorically. We all are one. No separation whatsoever between all living things, no boundaries we are simply parts of a river flowing towards the same destination, towards that same light we so yearn for, that the soul desperately desires. It is  a deep desire to go back to our true home which is our true destiny, be that sooner or later, but which is inevitable.  Connection from the grandest and boldest, to the smallest and the weakest the lost and the down trodden are the true links to our created beings. They all deserve the right to be here, respected and our duty to help and love them—for thus is our mission, thus is grace. This is what our Lord Jesus came to teach: "love one another as I have loved you".  We are and will be judged as we judge each other--forgiveness, mercy, compassion and understanding are the components of "agape"--which is the true love, for all that is,  for the Creator, the "I AM" of which we are but a fractal, a cell, a divine spark of. We are the drop, as well as we are the entire ocean.

Thus my conversations on some previous pages were not to deceive, bait  nor to make anyone one feel awkward, stupid or foolish. It was merely my way of saying that we are all that is. If anyone feels that I may have offended or hurt them in any way, I truly apologize and am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart —for I was only stating my heart`s voice as to whom we all are truly, and what true intent I had. It came from a special compartment of my soulNo one is more than the least of us, thus respect, encompassing the broken, the injured, the one`s who cannot help themselves, that is our true calling , as was the mission of Blessed Mother Teresa.

I play no games of game deception. We are free spirits not bound, tethered or chained to each other through association ships, friendships or love. We stay in relationships because we want to stay not out of guilt or pressure or deadly force—if that is the case then that emotion springs from “ego" which is very selfish  and not from our “over soul or higher self”—which is the actual spirit of love . 

One cannot be forced to be loved, one can love, but we have only control over ourselves not the heart of an other soul. This is the reason I have never cheated in my relationships because that is actually deceiving, cheating on my very own self—and I refuse to be such a person.  So, whatever we do in secret, we should also be prepared to do it in the light of day—always.  I thought I needed to explain why I acted as such.  We are whom we are, simply for the very gift from God—we could easily be that starving child in Ethiopia, that cripple beggar in India or that prostitute on Yonge Street—thus except for the Grace of God, there walk I.  Thus—gratefulness is the first word I utter when I wake, and the last word I whisper when I go to sleep for the graciousness blessings of our God and Our Lady.

Thus --love simply will not ever be betrayed ;for we can never get away with it, for we are then actually betraying our very selves . This is why jealousy is such an "ego" based destructive emotion, as well as futile. Always I try to live my life according to the great Shakespeare;

To thine own self be true , and it must follow , as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

“Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.”
― Rumi

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