Is a tree being heard when it falls in the forest?
Who hears it? Perhaps God. I have been
thinking of this a while-especially about you and writing. In your life I am
sure you have out written Hemingway, Tolstoy and a few others rolled into one. Thus I
wonder why is it that it is simple written onto secret pages and filed away
into dark caves or in dusty files in your computer never to be opened. One can
always have a pen name if you don not want people to know whom you are— then at
least you feel that you are of value to the world, that your words are being
heard, even by one is very important to the human soul—but more so to the world.
That is very gratifying, and every word that is positive, every thought that
has good intent will change the world. True—you may not see it, but it does
–perhaps at the other side of the planet. This internet has magical qualities,
and one has no idea who the written words may touch, what flame it may ignite
and what light it may convey in the darkness.
As it is said –we all have a story to tell, whether we are great, famous or simply living a humble life in a small town somewhere-we are all equally important in the eyes of God, we are part of the creation, are the living unfolding of God Himself in the material expression. How extremely special we are! We take all for granted—we live either in the “yesterday” or in “the tomorrow”—and we hardly ever appreciate the “now”. In reality—this is only what really exists, and of course God.
So in affect what I am trying
to say is that—we should sing, dance and shout our words, our truth, our
reality from the rooftops in appreciation for “just being life”—we are simply
light manifesting in matter and we hardly take a moment to think about it. I am
certainly not a talented writer, my words are simple, not as many nor as complicated
as yours—but I wish that at least one or two people read my word—which I know
they do. I am eternally grateful for that—not for the accolades, not for pride
simply for humility and in gratefulness that maybe, just maybe I may make
someone think of some thought, some action some event that without me would not
have come about in their lives. We are all connected—we all have a
responsibility to make this planet a better place, we all are responsible for
each other—that is simply the way God created us. We are all of one light, one
consciousness, and one Divine Being.
Thus I shall write here and
there –and that tree falling in the forest will be heard by someone—even though
I will not know—but creation, my oversoul shall know. In humbleness and in
gratefulness—and in love, in glory, in praise to Our Divine Creator from whom
all things spring forth through love, compassion and mercy.

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