Tuesday 3 June 2014

Full circle

Full Circle-Personal awakening

I haven`t written for a few weeks-and now I feel I am at a point of awakening. Not that I am Buddha under the Bodhi tree, but we each have to awaken to certain aspects of being s to proceed further. I have to leave much baggage behind, throw it out, as it is simply a hindrance—things I know, things I have learnt as they absolutely have no use at all for.  Previous knowledge, useless ---as in reality truth is very simple, I always had it as soon as I realized the presence of God—at age four. I am no different now—and know not more at all. Yes—as the Bible says—everything old has become new again—thus I have cone full circle.

It all about getting rid of ego to some extent--never mind some--MOST-, though I am far from being rid of it totally—but at least now I understand the important question—and still a long way from the answer. I can at least now distil it down further and recognize its importance.  I feel now that in truth-I don`t even have to search any more as I have found it—just have to be further immersed in it.  No more questions, no more theories, no more new ideas—all is very simple which I knew all along—GOD, whom is LOVE-and to be in union with HIM. In fact back to square one—with more understanding or realization of all that which I already knew, have always known. You—sweetheart, are still desperately searching in a way, yet you possess it. All those  things that you know with your conscious mind, —put it behind you—and walk the path—of life, with the twins, in the light, as well as me. We are one finally—that is the reality of things—that what this life is about—our union, our bond, the reason of this incarnation. We both know this, have always known this—you more so than I.

I am now at the realization that I once more stepped into a new times span, stepped onto a new path, new reality—as sort of cleansing of all the flotsam and jetsom of things in my life. All is for a purpose—and now I have a clear vision of where I am going, what I need to lose, what to forget as it does not help in the progression of my soul. We are looking for some grand revelation—yet all we need to do is look at creation and the answers are there staring us in the face. We don`t need to study anything, except one thing—what we find resonance with, and that can come in one single moment—of many lifetimes.  Needs no education, no knowledge nor wisdom—for all IS.

I need nothing –for all that I need I have—and it boils down to a few simple points—yes, I know this word  is aggravating to you, but it is true, for complex is not ever good, play of ego.  Wanting to demonstrate its importance—its pride, its separation from others. Key—I see which we both lack –and still need to battle with is—lack humility=stamping out our ego!  We have been to many places—regarding exploration of spirit, yet  we have been no-where—for we always have been where we are  only failed to realize it.

This exercise of re-visiting all the old ideas, knowledge—well it isn`t knowledge anyway, but a power struggle of ego with spirit. Now—it is as clear as a bell, I have to leave behind totally as it is useless.

Now you may well ask what is then important to me now?  I still think the “social myth” has had the closest of the answers—maybe that is why you are angry and mad at him for pointing out the obvious—for it is real easy, and tell us that we are far less spiritual than a religious peasant woman or the meditative yogi on the banks of the Ganges who has no earthly possession whatsoever.

We are still hung up on the material, no matter how we try to cut and dice it—just trying to find good excuses to explain away our materiality—trying to feel important, or rather pretend that we or on a spiritual path. All these years of study simple took us back to the beginning—as one of your blogs stated—“walking backwards”—remember?

Yes—I  have stepped into a new light—of “forgetting” all the useless information that clutter up the line. Spring cleaning of sorts, deleting information and letting it go—detaching from it entirely.

Now—all of the study, the searching , the quest can be put in one short paragraph—to be followed, practiced and lived. I hope it is not late, but as I have learnt—while we are alive it is never finished, neither is it late.  People turn up in our live for a reason—we are both teacher and student at the same time—if we allow it.

And the paragraph is, in word association metaphors—like Gino did in his simplicity, humility and great knowledge of spirit;--yes he is beyond us sweetheart, without study, without search, without education—for he just knows  what “IS”, instinctively. So then I ask the question—whom is the superior soul—us or him? The only person that really gets it at a soul level is Gino—definitely not us. We think we do because of our over inflated ego—we know nothing either about life nor love. He does and sure is teaching me much about spirit, he towers above us in spirituality, I am truly humbled by him and so very thankful. Yes-God works in mysterious way in our lives, for darling we have a long way to go to reach our true destination, we have hardly begun—Gino is almost there.

The divine paragraphs that define me and my life, define us, You and I— Faith ; and the devotions

The faith:
God-The  Father, Son, Holy Spirit- Jesus-Our Lady, Immaculate Heart- -Tri Murti(B-S-V) Brahman/Sarawasthi/Gayatri, -Vishnu/Lakshmi/-Ram/Sita , Krishna/Rhada-Shiva/Paravati/Kali= Shaki in all forms-Ganesha -Hanuman-and various 10 incarnations of Vishnu/and all manifestations/.

The devotion:
Sacred Heart, Immaculate Heart, Rosary (all mysteries contained in it), Loreto, Divine Mercy, Consecration, Lord and my God, Memoriam, Credo, Our Father, Hail Mary, Hail Holy Queen, Mantra Gayatri meditation/mantra, Hare Krishna—Contemplative prayer/centering prayer-Cloud of Unknowing

Blessed Mother, St Jude, St Francis, St Anthony, St John Paul ll, St Theresa and Thomas Merton, Corapi, Price, Bhakti Yoga

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