Thursday 6 March 2014

The Divine,is Love

Looking into my intoxicated eyes
You accept my passion with the serenity of Love
 You are the Master of Existence
One day I shall be a Lover like You

All that is Divine, is Love

All that exists, exists in love. From a cosmic perspective we see the divine romance, a divine dance in all things. The lover and the beloved.

In the beginning was only Love, Light, only love Divine.  Love was everything, the All that IS,--the I AM the Creator, God Himself.  And in His completeness, Love, whom is God personified had a dream.  He dreamed He could know Himself in His entirety, could explore and discover Himself in all His infinite wonder and so it created the Beloved—you and I. His very own essence—His divine nature, the eternal spark burst forth.  Out of the vast limitlessness of His creative being, You and I were born—sprung forth from the Creator`s very existence; we, the living divine spark. A single point of light, unique, an individual expression of the embodied of God, the Beloved was brought forth.

The Lover is Unity. The Beloved is a multifarious incorporation of divine love, a spiritual body with infinite members. Each spark of light has it's own wonder. You have your own wonder! When two or more sparks come together in love, the wonder is amplified. It is no small thing, when love unites together in embodied love.

This embodied love is an art, a living poem; when two lovers enter sacred pleasure or three friends share laughter overflowing from divine joy or a room full of open hearts silently gazing into each others souls. Love is magnified, enlarged, expressed.

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