Saturday 8 March 2014


Life absolutely amazes me in which way God works. I guess the reverend mother in the Sound of Music was so right about when God shuts a door He opens a window. This of course is only if we allow Him. I have, and my life is flowing in a most extra ordinary venue.  This year has been amazing in so many ways, in so many wonders, in such a magical way.  Friends from childhood turning up—out of the mist of time, new friends, connections that are transforming my life. One has to allow it all to happen—God is always there but at times we are obstinate and want our own way. We doggedly cling to the past, to hope that has long ago dissipated, and to love that is no longer there. It is hard to break free of the bonds, but once severed one is able to fly once more to height previously not possible. Each relationship has certain limits—or as they say—we have certain parts to play—and then we exit  or an other enters, life unfolds in the most wonderful way.

Do I regret anything in my life? Not one single minute—I would still do everything the same, want to be the person I am and keep walking the same path. I would not be the person I am were it not for my experiences which have formed me—which have kneaded me—are still kneading me, sculpting me; my soul as well as my spirit. It is like changing a garment—we put on a new one once we enter a new scene.  We carefully take it of—with some saddness, wash it, iron it and fold it and carefully pack it away amongst tissue paper in a cardboard box. At we may take it out now and then as time passes—look at it and remember through the remnants of the whiff of perfume, the colours of the fabric and the texture which reminds us of times gone by, moments carved into our minds, words of passion remembered with deep emotion and faces that seem to fade as time passes.  We recall the sweet memories it brings back as we hold our “well loved garment” close our hearts once more as we remember, recall the stories, the words, the memories that it holds—all the treasures that it implanted in our hearts—then once more we return it to its box, and put it on the top shelf of the cupboard being enriched by the experience. Nothing is ever permanent except the memories.

Someone asked today—“What do you believe? Do you believe there is only one person out there to love you? Or more than one? Can you truly love more than one person?” For a long time I thought there was only one—but now I have come to understand, acknowledge and do believe that most definitely there is more than one. I sort of felt guilty—I felt I was betraying “love”. Even a few weeks ago I coudn`t shake the feeling, until I realized through a conversation that –every relationship is an experience to grow by, every relationship brings along a new view, brings a new panorama of soul, spirit and the world with it. The more deep relationships we have, and the more we have to gain – the more we grow. Nothing that we ever truly posses, or love is ever lost—it becomes the very living fabric that we actually are –we become each other for always. This is the greatest lesson Our Lady could ever teach me—for now I know. Yes-strength, courage, faith, hope and experience the very transforming power of love.

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