Wednesday 5 February 2014

Power of love

God's wisdom made us lovers of one another.
In fact, all the particles of the world
are in love and looking for lovers.

But then Rumi is always right isn`t he?—the eternal lover of love. But then I am the embodiment of the infinite “lover of love”—in a way a mortal sin for the body, but an unfolding process for the soul. Yes—painful. You see one can talk all one wants about love, but to live it is different. Love is a total sacrifice, complete submission—a burnt offering of self . As the song goes—love hurts. 

The more we love, the greater the pain for often the synchronization of two souls is difficult, even twin  flames. The growth process of souls move at different speeds of acceleration towards union with God. Love's essence comes in and out of form in perpetual grace, from grace itself—which is the actual manifestation of God mercy and love. Infinite times in every finite moment galaxies and universes are reborn in love, with love, through love.  All of creation makes love every moment—each atom is a lover of another. Every particle sings the eternal love song—all that IS, is love itself. All that will be, is consummated in love's passion. How sad that so many fail to realize the true essence, the meaning of the language of love.

Only that which is created within the soul itself is authentic love—all else is a mirage, a sin—“missing the mark”. It is an energy that binds souls together with each other through the power of love, which is the only creative force in the mind of God— being in union with God Himself at the same moment. It draws to us the desires of our heart, at the same time it releases all that will not serve love. 

This universal power is what keeps planets, solar systems and galaxies orbiting in orchestrated harmony. The entire universe is born in love, sustained in love and moves in love. Love is the reason for all—which for many who are bound tightly to the physical fail to realize. Love can never be destroyed—all else can.

When we open our soul to love—allow the universal power to flow without hindrance—within as well as without, it becomes a positive creative force through which all is possible. Drawing those who can receive us, those who desire love and releasing those who can not. Soul love is free from limiting assumptions, shame and old patterns.

Love is closer to you than could be imagined. What you are longing for is longing for you.---but it is a blessed gift that only a few possess. So—value it, cherish it and hold it tightly in your hands, for there is nothing else—but love for being created, for existing for being. There is no dying only if one has not loved, but more so is being loved.—Death is not realizing the very power of love.
"I am your moon and your moonlight too. I am your flower garden and water too. I have come all this way, eager for you--without shoes or shawl. I want you to laugh, to kill all your worries-to love you, to nourish you" 
Thus am I all this for you--if you accept!

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