Wednesday 5 February 2014


As I think of my life I see a pattern. As we live this mortal physical life we pass through numerous incarnations. They say that we are totally renewed—down to the very last cell every seven years. So in a way we get many chances to get our act together from God. Nothing stays the same, all is in constant motion, in an eternal flux. What made me think of this? Well—for one it reminds me of the statement of being born again. This is how. Like clothes—nothing is constant except change—which is fact is God, He whom is eternal, constant but ever expanding. Yet always the same. A paradox.

But the question is still important—who or what are we? Are we simply a moment of change, or just a small breath of God? How about names? There is a resonance to all, thus to names. Do we just have one—or many. Are we known by an eternal name that is constant? Or the vibrations gets generated as we go along giving rise to new names, new forms—but then in actuality we are not whom we really think we are or are we?  Do we form the names, or do names form us? And if we change our name consciously, does the energy change with it? Or changing a letter within a name will it have a certain influence? I have seen it happen. 

Will calling someone by a new name change them, become a new self—or the whole environment and energy field around them realign to that energy? But what if I am called something else other than my own name by an other, but I call myself something else—what takes precedence. Which is the one that has the most influence?


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