Tuesday 31 December 2013

Echo of love #80

Once upon a time there was a soul created in the image of his Master. He was blessed with whit, knowledge, understanding and wisdom as this living creation possessed the essence of all that was good, that what was pure, that which was the light of creation—for that was the promise of the Master of the universe.

The spirit grew within , opening up within the living heart like a flower-joy, peace, love and tranquility reigned in this heart as the Master`s present above all was –free will to do and experience all of the Master`s joys, loves and pleasure without restriction. This was the very spark of divinity, of the eternal, of the endless and limitless—of the reason of existence itself.

One day-the Master sent  a companion, someone to reflect back like a mirror all the thoughts, deeds, actions and experiences—for without this all was hollow, empty;  as love cannot –will not exist by itself, except through sharing. Thus was the Master`s gift to his creation-this was in fact the very breath of life itself, for before all was but an empty shell,  a clay vessel simply filled with just the echo of love itself—without substance.

All proceeded well, and paradise was gained for a time-and love blossomed and grew and the light was getting ever brighter, reflecting the very essence of the Master himself. Happiness, contentment and glory of the Master reigned in the hearts of the reflected –being both the mirror and the mirrored of each other; for truly I tell you—the two were truly one in all and every way. The true –“all”, the very idea of all experiences realized. The ideal and the will of the Master, his wish for his creation—his very own glory.

But—twilight descended onto spirit, a  seed of jealousy and rage was germinating in the heart for its own reflection; thus moment by moment the light that shone from the flower of spirit was being dimmed by the emergence of darkness. The light within the mirror wanted to posses, to capture the mirrored in its entirety—for surely possessing all that “is”;  was the understanding  of the very soul of the Master; what he failed to understand is that the more he gave away of himself, the more he possessed the light.

Sadly it is not. The truth is that capturing, tethering light is simply imprisonment—and light cannot be chained for it will then be extinguished-it can only grow through freedom, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, mercy, truth—for that what love and loving is. All else is simply the echo of love and will ever be so; all chasing it are dreamers of the impossible dream.

Once the lover and the loved have become one—that is the time when the Master rejoices in his creation ; it is then and only then that the echo of love begets its own very soul and sings the praises of its Creator God. Yes—and God is glorified in heaven by his very creation experiencing his own self. Thus is love personified—through realization; but the fire of love inflames as well as destroys; it is all consuming unless it is allowed to exist within its own free will.

Or it just dies; for love is only love if you give it away.

Oscar Hammerstein II was right;

“A bell's not a bell 'til you ring it - A song's not a song 'til you sing it - Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay - Love isn't love 'til you give it away!”

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