Sunday 8 September 2013

By our fruit #68

Sometimes loving you is real hard. Why? Because I miss you so very much, your physical presence as I said this morning. To be able just to discuss things with you, or nothing at all. At times we seem to be just communicating through "haiku" -which is fine, but one at times need the physical warmth, the presence and the energy of the other. Now--will that ever happen? Who knows , as we cannot predict the future and God works in mysterious ways.

Though it has been said-being away from the physical gives much more depth to a relationship, as one can just concentrate on the mental and emotional connection--exploring  soul and spirit in more  depth. Probably true--but being that philosophical is not easy for a mere "garden variety human" as myself. I have no idea how you actually feel about this-we have never discussed it, and then how can we without actually talking about it. But maybe we shall soon--I know.

Our relationship is rather unconventional--now is that good? Bad? I guess whatever actually works for us--if it brings love forth then it is the "will of God". For God is love, we are love personified. This sounds rather sentimental--maybe even a bit cheesy, but this is the way it is for me anyway. God is very active in my life, in our life--so I would tend to think it is what He wants us to do, wants us to be as we are. I am most aware of this--I wonder how you feel?

Why this strange manifestation of our life? I would tend only to guess--for I can`t exactly know the mind of God, --but I would venture to think it is to get to know Him in a deeper way. It is through an other that one gets to know God, see God in them and experience His love. That is how we learn what love actually is, though His love is far deeper than we could ever journey in this world.

The truth is --at this point I cannot imagine my life without you, as I cannot imagine my life without God--so perhaps it is one and the same thing, though one is soul manifestation the other is the physical manifestation of God in my life, in our life. Am I far pre-occupied with God, with us? I don`t think so--for there is nothing else really but this, this is the purpose of existence, the reason for our lives. So then, how could it not be the most important thing?

Someone once said, I can`t remember the exact quote, but this is close " the most productive and important time of the day is the early morning when we pray and commune with God--or we do absolutely nothing. It matters not now good one is in doing  one`s work, it is that time of contemplation, that time that is really of consequence to the soul, to spirit".

Really it is not easy being  a thinking human--for the more one thinks the more one delves into the spiritual and that is a difficult exercise for the heart and mind. The term "ignorance is bliss" is rather an apt term in describing aspects of  life. Now, I know that God has a plan for all of us, and we are always steered onto the correct road if we allow God`s guidance, allow Him manifesting in our lives--so this must be it for us. This is our class room--being close, yet miles apart. Will that change to some degree--absolutely, for everything does, but seeds of the spirit we have sown and yes--we are growing those fruits most definitely--and "we shall be known by our fruits" so said Our Lord.

Matthew 7:15-20

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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