Monday 1 July 2013

Something to think about #21

As humans we are so obsessed with projecting this ideal version of ourselves, yet we are all far from ideal. In fact, nothing in life is ideal or perfect, except the closest one that touches the idea is nature itself--which we are so committed to destroy under any circumstance. We follow certain beliefs, swear by our own viewpoints, or own religion or no religion, yet in reality we know nothing at all. Prof. Kaku  has a wonderful explanation, a comparison --about a highway and an ant hill, --and whether the ants would have any concept of understanding of what actually their ant hill is or the eight lane highway next to their hill, or even about any areas regarding the building of the highway. They have only the “ant concept, understanding, realization“--no wonder we are in the 0-1 category on the levels of civilization in the universe that we profess to know--imagine what we don`t know?--if maybe the civilization scale  goes up to 100--then we are probably the pond scum of the universe!.

 Then we are smug and puffed up thinking we are the pinnacle of creation and the chosen ones in creation. Far from it--we are but less than mere specks, less than a mere grain of sand on the entire planet, less than a virus--yet we behave abominably and with disgusting egotism with inflated egos that surpasses all of intelligent creation.

All one needs to look around and observe nature, observe the animals of how humble they are--merely to want to live. They desire not to accumulate , horde, beyond their own survival --but not for the simple sake of piling up more and more stuff. One can learn so much from the humble little ant to the greatest of the giant killer whale--as well as from the tiny moss to the giant Redwoods. They want nothing but to support, balance and live in peace and bring  harmony, and supply the eco-balance to the planet and its inhabitants. Merely to exist and to add to existence .

Yet man--is an exploiter, hoarder and above all a destroyer of all  that is sacred,  holy and divine. Technology is wonderful, but it comes with tremendous responsibility that we actually do not take very seriously until it is far too late. We as humans are obsessed by the irrelevant, with the unimportant and the trivial--but more importantly the material. We are star struck by the celebrity status, about the rich and famous - whereas we tend to forget that each human consists of the exact components as the next--feel the same, bleed the same and suffer the same--and yes love the same.

There is no difference--in colour, creed or race for it is simply a human interpretation of thinking that one specific race or colour is superior-yet we fail to acknowledge that many races have had far superior cultures, belief  systems, and mystical knowledge and secrets at times when many races and nations were still practically living in trees without expression of language--thousands of years ago and even before. Yet--we feel we are the superior ones with the highly developed intellect-this is the sign of an inferior man .Man is not graded on this but the internal values that he carries in his heart and the expressions that he excuses that comes from his soul and the whisperings that is the true voice of the higher self. How he treats his brethren, all living things and its environment that which is the thread that is connected to God--to the Creator whomever he/she/it /them are--, to the divine will without which we are  absolutely nothing--but a  group of cells without nothing--goal, without purpose and without part of the divine spark that which is the guide back to its source, our source eventually. But--perhaps it is already past the point of no return, it is far too late--maybe we have run out of time.

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