No wonder that some of us embraced Buddhism--I am sure makes the church livid.. But--people who are actually are open to God, are generally the one`s suspected of the most awful crime-- , which in a sense is the most terrible thing one can say about people who love God, who profess to love Him beyond measure--let me re-iterate--these are the folks who would actually commit these crimes--against God. What hypocrisy.
I would certainly was born a Catholic--that is my religion--however, I am not that. My faith is "God", not believing, but actually "knowing within" without hesitation this truth is my true religion. Thus God--under one or thousands or millions of names is God. So, my religion encompasses Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism , Mohammedanism as well as many other belief systems--including all the mythological beliefs. Who has the truth? They all do. The sad part is that they all want to divide, not unite--and in the name of love for God.
Rumi said it well:
I am
not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the east or the west, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any origin story. My place is the placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body or soul. I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being. |
I would presume that this a fate that awaits a Catholic, that steps out of the Catholic circle and starts to think independently-- and especially ones that break all the rules. that are often man made, I wonder what God thinks?
Now --the point of all this as this seem to be my sort of a journal, of my personal conviction, spiritual growth and that no matter how we look at life, the universe or God-we are individual and individual sparks of divine energy.
At times I am lost, at times I am totally found, thus this is our humanity in action. As most of us--we go back and forth because we question, question and question some more, and at times we do not get the answers we expect.
So it is not about religion, but God. We are brought to that which we already know deep within at time fail to realize--, we are human, we are fragile, vulnerable and we are a part of God, but most of that all we are within the heart of God.
Holiness is being a compassionate human being--love for all that is living, all that is within the creation of God. Believe me this has had nothing in anything really --but the way I see life, our humanity, us and God. And we should always only 'do only that which is good'--so says the motto of ULC .
The truth is I have no idea whether you read these entries or not--. Your passion, your fire and your love for God fills your heart and if you touch but one soul--you have touched the world and God. And I so admire for that.
You see--darling that is what is so special about you, that is why love you , --!The part that is that divine spark within you that I love , that what moves in you and is my other part. Strange thing--about God splitting of souls into to two.
I adore you--and your writings are a gift to the world--but you need to get it out there!
I so believe in you and God is on your side--no matter whom you call God!--Darling-Names matter not to God. You are a sun--you are a Buddha!
So what is my point? Apart from this "God" consciousness--well, it is a sort of balancing of my mind relating to why I am actually here, or as to my mission--which often is very clear , yet at time is a dark abyss which makes me feel ever so awful and inconsequential in the scheme of things. True--we are all in a sense rather unimportant, but maybe not . Why? Because each soul was what that created for a purpose is--but God who a purposeful Creator and a reasonable one--though we do not see the forest from the trees or the trees from the forest it dosn`t mean that there is no divine plan. We are blessed with the nature and grace of God--that is what is termed for me His image and likeness. I think some religions confuse this-- take it quite literally.
I know I seem to be rather confused at times--moment by moment. It is my humanity shining through, my free will and my war with my ego--whom is a real tough cookie. And a bloody hard adversary at times, one is one`s worst enemy.
Yes--this is a real problem, especially when I rather expect things- to happen , to be answered to be reciprocated -which disappoint me greatly. be continued an other venue, as I don`t want to get into boiling water.
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