Saturday 27 July 2013

The world as I see it #42

At last some good news from a few fronts. My aunt is doing better--she is still in intensive unit, but will be transferred to cardiology on Monday. Cici seems to be stable, except for a slight low hematocrit--but his heart seems better. At times I do have to agree with the idea of suffering and Tolle--and that it is the only way to get ahead. Samsara just is, no fighting it --our dharma is set, or chosen I haven`t made up my mind about that yet. But we have to walk the path -like it or not.

I look at the world and it is such a mess--I can`t seem to remember being this way when I was younger. Maybe I just looked at life differently, but I think that as technology is overtaking our lives, so our humanity flies out the window.  I was quite young during the hippy era, the years of the "flower child"--but that time  had soul--even the music had  a heart-beat which is non existent today. Now all of our lives  seems to be on a heart and lung machine, barely alive. Maybe God soon will pull the plug--as I am sure he is getting fed up with humanity.

"Make love not war"--was a cool battle hymn. I would love to have been living those times as a compatriot,  as a young adult--sadly I was far too young.  The  Bohemian--life, the hippy generation has a very deep romance for me--not because of sex, love and rock and roll--or the  weed. Perhaps a magic mushroom, salvia or a little Ayahuasca here and there--most certainly took off the rough edges of life, I would think.  It was all about compassion and love for the world. Wanting to make it a better place, stop the wars and live in peace and harmony. What a cool dream! What a beautiful picture !What an amazing future for the world. --which now seems to have been lost.

Maybe there is something about raising consciousness, awareness  and seeing though the fog with some help from a sip or a puff of some chemical , perhaps that which the God/s have created for the purpose of clarity--of the deeper parts of consciousness, not the physical  brain  function. --Would have been nice to try--alas, I had missed the boat by a few years. I think Timothy Leary had it spot on. Am I advocating drugs?--well the jury is not in yet on that yet. But--I can say that the world is no better, probably far worse than it was way back then. Perhaps we would be throwing flowers at each other as opposed to shooting bullets were we on the same plane as that generation. Consider me a dreamer.

People, children animals were safe most of the time--without watching, wondering and  worrying as to what maybe be happening to them . Windows, door  were left open day in and day out. Children could be left alone playing in parks and schools were the safest of places. Guns were unheard of --only seen and heard in the movies.  Now--our life have become the actual movies--often a horror movie for many.

We now have computers, washing machines, microwaves, cell phones, digital cameras and videos--yet we are prisoners of our own making.  Children have no childhood, adults have no life apart from rushing  and the eternal stress as we want more and more of the creature comforts. Family life is dead--families break up, move hundreds if not thousands of miles from each other--coming together maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas at best. Where is the life that was on "Walton Mountain"--or "Leave it to Beaver"? and the like. --Sure it was poor, with hand-me-downs,  but happy and together in a loving way.  This is what the 21st century has wrought--a comfortable, disjointed life of alienation from each other. God seems to have abandoned us--or we have abandoned God.

Everyone needs therapy, if a husband has a mistress because he is unhappy in his marriage, and craves love, tenderness, warmth and understanding- he has a sex addiction problem. If a wife is unhappy in her relationship because she is lonely, frustrated, tired and unappreciated - she needs therapy, and an anti depressant. If a man who loses is job, loses his possessions  and is unable to pay his mortgage, and he can`t see his children go hungry, so he hits the bottle- he has a disease that has to be treated. If a child is precocious, curious or is adventurous- he needs Ritalin.  Children are  not allowed to be children these days. Their lives are mapped out to the last minute everyday--sports, lessons and god knows what unheard of activities--playtime has vanished. No more running around in the fields chasing butterflies, swimming in the creek or simply watching a matinee with Jerry Lewis, or cowboys and Indians with John Wayne.

 Everyone it seems is in dire need of  some sort of special therapy--there are therapies that one needs a dictionary to know what it is--it is ridiculous. The world is utterly and completely insane. Dr. Phil ,Oprah and Ellen are the --the 21st century gurus for the "new man"--they are  the end all and be all of how to be, how to live and how to die even. Because  because they are perfect, and they know all! Well I wonder--I would love to be a fly on their wall! Oh-let`s not forget the Brangelinas, the Kardashians and  the likes of Lady GaGa et co--how to look, and how to be the perfect human being--.They are the role models for today`s world.

They can transplant a heart, but can`t fix a broken heart or comfort the one`s who hurt.  They can change a lung, but can`t make someone breathe out compassion and understanding. They can make the deaf hear, yet they are deaf  at the cries of ones  begging for mercy.  They can transplant a liver but can`t stop all the hate and anger  in the world.  They can do eye transplants but they cannot make people see the pain and suffering that is in the world everywhere.  They can fit artificial limbs that can run marathons, yet they send young people to war to lose their limbs--for nothing, lose their lives under the guise of lies and deceit. They are sent into battle to kill young people like themselves for no rational reason, only because some few elite have chosen to do so on a whim, or  it is materially and economically beneficial to them personally--well the world has gone mad.

It is all far worse than any horror story  that has been ever written--and it will get worse. God is watching us!--be aware, God is watching us.

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