Tuesday 30 July 2013

All in seven years coming up...#47

 Science says that the entire cell structure of the body is totally  regenerated every 7 years . I suppose not one of my cells are present that were present when we met 7 years ago, well after  30 days--I probably still have a few wandering around within me, aimlessly. Though we  still have to live till then, well an other 4 weeks --Wow, some number. I often wonder and think what is it that you are actually thinking. I shall not delve into this now--but it just seemed to cross my mind. Only that I still love you more than ever and more each day. This is the reason of the season.

Much has happened is seven years, yet nothing really --it seems like yesterday. Births, death, illness, accidents, weddings, moves, new ventures, new ideas, losses and gains.  Breakup, make up-love lost, love regained--or is that "Paradise lost and regained? No--it was never lost--only taking a vacation.  I do wonder at times about all of this thing called life.

But we had much , have much--I hope as when you are quite I wonder and question as to what is going on in your head. That long letter you promised, weeks ago? The beautiful words one day--then silence for days? I know what it is--it is because we are strictly communicating through words, and sometimes things need clarification, and the words have a completely different meanings as to what they actually are.

Animals entering and exiting our lives--that we have loved. Changes of thought, changes in philosophy,  changes in outlook, interests in different beliefs and concepts.  New interests , old ones  forgotten. Groups  opened, groups left wanting and people vanishing that were present. New embraces of ideas and old ones forgotten that were so very important at the time--completely lost, faded away into the past, never to be seen again. We are so inconsistent -as humans we are flawed and become bored or uninterested very quickly. Our capacity to concentrate and be true to our thoughts have remarkably short life span. Why is that?

Only is left are our written words, that were important, which now lie in old files, binders, blogs and secret files maybe never will be  accessed--for who would be interested?

You have been a writer all your life--so many beautiful things, so many valuable insight and wise observations. Yet--where are the: diaries, journal, plans for the future and dreams? All--hidden from view. Yes-- I agree with " What is the use of writing a journal when only the writer reads it? "

What is important really? Nothing, except God and the love that binds us to Him. --as I was reading this passage today from St Augustine-I have come to this insight.

"If to any man the tumult of the flesh grew silent, silent the images of earth and sea and air: and if the heavens grew silent, and the very soul grew silent to herself and by not thinking of self mounted beyond self: if all dreams and imagined visions grew silent, and every tongue and every sign and whatsoever is transient - for indeed if any man could hear them, he should hear them saying with one voice: We did not make ourselves, but He made us who abides forever: but if, having uttered this and so set us to listening to Him who made them, they all grew silent, and in their silence He alone spoke to us, not by them but by Himself: so that we should hear His word, not by any tongue of flesh nor the voice of an angel nor the sound of thunder nor in the darkness of a parable, but that we should hear Himself whom in all these things we love, should hear Himself and not them: just as we two had but now reached forth and in a flash of the mind attained to touch the eternal Wisdom which abides over all: and if this could continue, and all other visions so different be quite taken away, and this one should so ravish and absorb and wrap the beholder in inward joys that his life should eternally be such as that one moment of understanding for which we had been sighing - would not this be: Enter Thou into the joy of Thy Lord? "(Confessions).

In truth this is it--all else falls away and is insignificant in anyway or form  even if we live for  thousands more years--it is only love and God, which is one and the same.

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