Monday 18 February 2013

Matters of confusion #6


For some reason I seem to be more and more fractured--what I mean is broken into different parts. I don`t mean this in the romantic sense at all but actual physicality as things are transpiring.

 What do I mean really? Let me explain,--well now I have this space "D-Dragonsoul" to write which is-- the physical present, I have the "Q-Quetzal"-space which is simply your past cards, the "Z", which are  my past cards,  then I have the " F-Fektiovercome "space, which is the 5th dimensional  "divine" the "O"which are conversations of our over souls the 4th dimensional futures, then there is "B", the latest, which are the special  messages from Our Blessed Mother the latest from the spiritual realm as for dimension She hasn`t said but I haven`t asked either. Though She has been speaking for years, I haven`t kept a record--only one or two. I guess, that is how it had to be. I always leave it in Her Holy Hands. "O" and "B" and "Z", its names still unrevealed to you. No, it is not O, for Oliver at all, neither is Z for Zsuzsa . Though O does have to do with Light. One day soon, real soon all shall come into being.

Now if we carry on in this fashion,  I shall have an entire musical scale as in numbers not in notes as there are no O neither Q nor Z in this dimension anyway maybe in an other. Strangely enough I am not in the least confused and actually know when to write where. Now  is that weird or what? I suppose when there are directions from elsewhere it is not that difficult to manage. At least the nights are long or |I simply would run out of time as strange as it may seem but I have to work.

Now- for the sake of sanity clarity and order  --we have:  B, D, F, O, Q, Z--one more and we have almost a whole scale well in number that is. Rather comical if it wasn`t ever so serious. Neither am I confused one bit. It`s like reading different books within the same present but at different times.

The message and the intent are different within in each--it is like when one studies different subjects but they all add up as to general intelligence and knowledge of one. Strangely before I almost never read them now I am starting to re-visit them. Some seem like a foreign language. Some  rather new hardly unimaginable that I had written them. Well in truth I haven`t --Strange feeling.

Yes--there is one more in my mind that needs a voice--that will be "?". It will be a fascinating one it is just germinating--this one shall very interesting I am told. As with everything it has to come into its own time. It is being formulated but it is on its way.

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