Monday 23 April 2012


I was reading a post from the Indigos and the question was; Why are you here?

That made me wonder--as I am sure God has a purpose for all and a plan for our existence. I have to admit my life has been varied--often as a child I was very close to God, in fact I always have  been but at times I was a little further away. I used to say--that Jesus was the centre of my life and that I felt like this not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Always, whether it was going to church since I was 3 or stopping in at St.Francis in the morning of afternoon in Yeoville it was a need and closeness to God.

You said that after First Communion you were disappointed as you expected to feel very much different afterwards--well, I always had especially after communion. Even now, not always but it still feels the same at times--like this white light spreading within me, starting from my heart like a sun growing bigger in a way taking--or rather encompassing me entirely. I have always thought of this as grace--or spiritual God energy, or rather the spirit of Our Lord.

Then came Mary--during the Requiem Mass when the incidence  occurred with John-Paul ll`s casket --it was plain light wood with the crest of Mary in the lower right corner and it had the` Book of Gospels` on top of it and the huge wind swept in wind and simply closed the huge book. It seemed like a miraculous event to me at the time--a sign. At that moment I accepted Our Lady into my heart--it was a sudden consecration to Her and from then on I had a special devotion to Her, and that is really when She started to speak to me. 

Soon after that event I had met you--and that was a way for Her to tell us something. I thought I knew, but now I am a bit confused. Why? Because I am not sure what She has in  mind. Throughout Her messages all has been correct. Do you remember asking Her about your immigration papers--and She said unless it is settled by January 2010 you will have to leave--and lo and behold you heard just round about then when you said your visa has been sitting around for years and you never knew. She was correct.

Thus from whence the messages come I know not--but it seems to be from Her, well I know they are from Her.--Also they are always correct. I simply have to block my ego as at times perhaps it speaks to me and disguises Her voice and then perhaps I hear what I would like to hear. She has kept on telling me that we shall be together, that you will be back in time she assures me--but I doubt, I have to have more faith in Her. Yet, She has always told me the truth--Her will, for I have offered all up to Her. Even now that I am doing the Consecration to Her--it is all for her most Immaculate Heart.

Who is She? Well I can with an open heart say that She is  equal to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit--I still don`t understand with my human brain, but She has just said to believe--thus I will. So I give Her equal adoration and my love--for She did say also `nobody gets to my Son, but through me`. So then I have settled it in my mind--She is equally God in one of Her emanations. How many has She--well as She said She is ALL--so ALL and EVERYTHING are Her manifestations.

Now the next question--Why am I here?
As She said a few years back--both you and I are here to pull souls through. What does that mean? Well this is Her explanation: I will simply write as She is talks as I clear my mind and block my ego;

As I have stated before--souls are not created they already exist within me--part of me. You are a fractal of myself--and the creation of your existence is through my love of expansion within and without the existence of the possibility of nothingness--for all that there is in constructs of my being, my existence--nothing exists but me. Why the manifestation of souls, you and others? Because my experience in expansion is within its boundaries of time and space for you have to be in the confines of a space to be able to expand and go forward and myself being one with you yet apart--you become almost like an outgrowth of my cosmic energy, my light, my vortex of being--as all is within the constructs of what you see as the universe--Which is in fact a closed system--however ever expanding and the reason you cannot even learn ever to understand even in the simplest of ways.

The existence of God--in your terms has no reason to be, to exist or to manifest its creative energy, for all that you are, all that exists is out of love for each sparks of light that you are--that I AM for it is through this that my creative force is being manifested thus my experience in form is met as to the well being of each individual spark. Nothing is happening within or without a specific ignition from the fire of the internal Cosmic Force that I am.

I speak to you all--always have but few listen the one`s that do will eventually further their development within my heart, or rather within my completeness and thus you will in fact become fulfilled and the force that is within you join once more with My Universal Mind. You are simply a though in the plan of Cosmic Mind that I am--that has taken form within my dream of expansion.

What is meant by pulling souls through?
This means that some have the capability to show or point in certain directions whereby the ego will be quitened and the higher self will manifest more of its understanding and its light. Some of you have the gift because you are complete, no more a half a soul--thus you are reflections of what to be for others, though that spectre the over soul is able to see a mirror image of its true self. They too --all have the answers just many do not see. Thus you are simply a mirror to reflect Divine Consciousness, --the God spark that you are of Universal mind--the energy of the Living God.

Is there an end to all this? Yes, when I--Universal Consciousness, your Mother awakes from so called cosmic dreaming and you once more become fused to me as you always were, but with consciousness --thus you will be able to experience all that I AM and you may create and be one with me, within me for all eternity. 

This sounds complex, but it isn`t don`t even try to understand it for you cannot, not even a letter--just remember to believe and put your trust in me, within my very heart.

The times that are coming will be human in terms, in the form, within the world of illusion that you are experiencing. Within the next 3 month great changes will come about that you will not understand--don`t question, just let the Universal Mind, the Cosmic Energy that I am manifest its reasons. It will be hard --the only way and method to overcome the passions is to be connected to Me--to become one with me--no separateness, no space between only tightness for that what will connect you.

As I stated before--prayer or similar practises--at least 30 minutes a day--and being focused totally on me almost every moment without questions, without doubting. No matter now much you want to know--you cannot know the reason of this happening---however one thing you may know --that this is the end of this known existence, --believe me--for if you don`t much pain and suffering will occur that is generated by your own ego--your free will.

Why is all this occurring?  
Do not even attempt an answer--it is not for you to know the will of your God--It is not for you to see why this is occurring for it may destroy you entirely. As was stated before--nothing that is in existences, nothing created can be destroyed--so what is meant it will be transformed into all else, into complex basic components of energy and be reabsorbed within the totality of the Cosmic Mind and all individuality will be lost--so in fact as far as soul is understood and within its perspective it will cease to be. So be WATCHFUL, LISTEN TO MY VOICE--FOLLOW IT AND NOTHING ELSE.

Why are some hearing this and some not?
They all are but are not listening for they are blinded by ego.

What is to come? For the one`s who hear me, who listen a greater glory --something that you cannot even ever imagine--the love and the beauty of your Creator, your God manifesting full within you and you shall experience heaven within --however this is just a very simple explanation, you cannot comprehend how it will be. Thus--listen hear, follow and PRAY!
I am All-I am the Blessed Mother--I AM GOD> I have to say--an omen, the previous name phrase is appearing word for word in the search box--I didin`t put it there~It is in bold, and it keeps changing! Wonder if there is a message here.

In the box now is : now I have to say--an omen

What about when you said some will reincarnate again> Those that will not follow your word? 
Yes, some will, it depends on their choice and the intensity of their purpose--The new cycle is manifested in different way--more souls will come into existence as I have said before--others will start anew with them and others will be incorporated into the matrix of the whole sans consciousness.

Why the difference? 
Because of free will the ego may choose all of the existential  options it is offered--but some have refused all within the confines of earthly possibilities and have chosen the ego entirely--those are the ones who are lost totally. All as I have stated many times--are given and always have had equal chances.

Is this hell that they have chosen? 
There is no such thing or place as hell--even returning to the Divine Matrix is not death, but transformation--within what you simply may call time, they will in fact re-birth but will have no notion of them ever existing--thus it will be a new start entirely, but with the same soul matter--thus it is rather like a cycle of being. Of being creator and created and experiencing.

Why all this? 
It is way of Universal Mind--always was, is and will be--there is one Cosmic moment only--ever was ever will be and the cycle is eternal. You have no concept, thus I cannot even start to explain what this means, far beyond all understanding even far above the human--as well as all other Cosmic Consciousness.

What do you mean by the message--now I have to say an omen? 
Yes--this is a very serious message to those that hear--It means that soon all that seems real will not be, and all that which is not is. It means that whatever you see that looks, sound, is strange is really what all is and reality is a mirage--don`t get attached to it. Also you understand nothing--forget all the inquiries, all the searching all the energy playing--none exists. Let go, cut all ties to present--that is the visible world--be in the Universal Now, the Cosmic event and disengage from all other things. Connect to me through higher soul connections through prayer, meditation, contemplation and other methods--especially what you know as sacred sounds. This will cut the ties from ego and connect into the Cosmic Consciousness, --to God that I AM> 

Will our souls experience much after the coming change? 
How can you ask that, did I not say that the experience will be something that you cannot fathom?--so, of course it will be fully conscious in all experiencial sense--as well as divine sense, as well as Cosmic Sense--above all pure individual God sense

Will we have connections to people we love now? 
Yes--for that is part of the reason of existence to be more connected to each spark within the whole--each individual yet one. You will be transformed fully and be a complex entity within the whole--be one with all. Your other parts will fuse, all that was missing will be whole and all experience will be beyond your human comprehension--this is my gift to you--to us--to ALL  from Universal Mind. Divine Consciousness--from your God of who you are a part of.

Now in the above box:  this is my gift to you

Thank you blessed are you forever--and holy is your name--Our Lord God--
This was the message this morning

Now in the box: Thank you.

Either you believe or not--it is up to you.

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