Monday 9 April 2012

Justice/Mercy-Easter Sun/12
The day yesterday --Easter Sunday was wonderful, I had my reservations when Manjula didn`t turn up in church--but later she came, she was doing some TV interview. Mass was very meaningful--but Charles Price`s    sermon was spectacular. So spiritual, and the strange thing was he explained God in terms as it is explained  on Fekti by Our Lady. Also he raised some of the questions in my letter--and had a real good explanation about it theologically.

The main point being--Justice and Mercy--they cannot exist together for they are in opposition--but the third party is Our Lord--who pays for the transgression-- or rather makes us feel better by taking away the guilt and the unforgiveness part TOWARDS OURSELVES. HE IN FACT--IN A WAY MAKES US SOUL CENTRIC AS OPPOSED TO EGO CENTRIC. That is why the Crucifixion is such a big part--the cross.

he in fact takes away that blockage that we set up by our unforgiveness towards ourselves--He is the mediator.Thus Justice and Mercy can be together.--His analogy;;;he gets a traffic ticket for speeding, he goes to court--the judge has to fine him for he was guilty--a fried pays the fine and is paid. Thus he is free to go. So Justice as well as mercy has been satisfied.

What do we feel guilty about, what is the so called sin--it is all the things we do to ourselves and each other that we don`t want to, yet do. That is the human thing. Then we feel guilty, but by doing the best we can--we still do things.

To the Greeks God was explained in forms of wisdom/ spirit--and to the Jews in the form of power/physical--thus these were also in opposition as St Paul wrote to the Corinthians.

This also always my point; no matter how clever, wise--even the Pope knows not ore that the peasant woman in Italy--her explanation of God is the same--the Popes no wiser or more knowledgeable--all we can do is go step by step--for we can`t understand anyway. Thus it is.

I also know what Xerxes meant, and he is smiling now and agrees that finally I understand--not power of the moon--, but
The Power of a New Life that we have just started!

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