Monday 16 April 2012

Other wing

Ah yes--Indigo and Red Dragon heart--fused into one.

As I have read the message on the other blog it seems that I have to take the advice and offer all the fear up,and let go.--well both of us need to do that. The message is for both of us and many--I hope they read it. 

I wish things were different with us, but I have to leave it there--in Her blessed Holy Hands. I am a little less disjointed, though I still can`t keep track of time. I read many of your posts, I am so sorry that you have lost yourself in all the spiritual shuffle--Let us just leave it at that. Some things just ain`t so. The truth is --as I read some of your sad post, I see nobody really cares at what you say, do or feel--But people are like that. You can`t expect anything else.

All you want is to be loved--for yourself. Well Cicu, you always were and I am truly sorry that you don`t have the feeling and insight as to what breath and depth and height you are loved. It is rather sad to see this. I feel for you, my heart bleeds for you and I cannot help you. You, my other self--my angel, my all--how it tears me apart, how I feel your woundedness, your pain. I would give part of my life for you--but your over soul knows, just your ego is blinding you. What happened to us? Punishment for loving too much? One of us has drunk of the river of Lethe sadly. Alas, she captured your heart--and made herself fall in love with you.

I am sorry that you are in so much pain--I see you are in a very dark place, utterly alone and lost. Those     few years with you were wonderful, I know that you also felt that way--You were so loved, are loved--as was I. We destroyed each other purposely, with eyes wide open, without reason at all. maybe we are totally mad--off completely into the deep end--or a cliff rather more of an appropriate term. How can you live like this? I know I am finding it awful hard. Will we survive this?--at times I don`t know, at times I am hopeful and yet at times I am totally with you in that deep dark void--knowing there shall never be a way out. That we are lost forever--

But always Our Lady reminds me that it is not so. Is She just my imagination? She has always been right--so why wrong about this? Conversations with her are very real--and all the posts make far too much sense--I could never have come up even with a paragraph--yet almost every day She says something that I can hardly believe, let alone write.I wonder if you are reading them--I did my duty and sent you the blog spot--up to you to read it. 

I have been doing Lahra--a few days now. The energy is very clear--still electric green/yellow/bursting--so it is not my imagination. I wish you would have cultivated it more--this was such a gift to you and the symbols. You could have taken it off into the stratosphere in a more serious context. Yet you choose to  waffle around with stuff that is insignificant--Why? The crowd you keep is not of the highest quality--well just an observation.You have such a lot to offer, but I have always told you so. I always appreciated all your effort, all your work all your insights. I valued your judgements and your intellect--but you know that. I simply loved everything about you--but really just for being you. You didn`t have to try so hard as I feel that perhaps you were--you sell yourself far too short. You have no idea whom you really are--I was your mirror, I was your truth, I was your other wing--never forget that. You were always my hero.

Well--this is the way it is. All has a reason I suppose. It was not meant for this world, this existence--we shall be together in the next I know for sure. I am always with you--I am the one who loves you. Q

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