Monday 26 March 2012


Funny what a few hours of sleep can do to you, it is rather ironic that by going to sleep is generally always is  great wake up call. Sleep that wondrous place where we spend much of our lives, where most of the serious work of spirit is done, where most of the answers are found. Happens all in the darkness, where much of all power lies.The night has always held much magic for me. I always speak of`Rumi`s time` but rarely accept its wisdom. I hear, but rarely listen to the message that it is whispering. The day has never been my favourite time, I don`t find much comfort in the sun, I prefer dark days,  rainy days.  In the darkness I feel safe, more protected away from the world, it offers me much solace.
I am acutely aware of the power of silence, which I have to utilise in my daily life more consciously, as I have been reminded of and  even more frequently. The fire is far too overwhelming in me, even to the detriment of mine own good. Toning down this intense power at this point is necessary as  it has been controlling me--not I it. I have missed much of the subtle, the small details and nuances that I should have had awareness of, but my unbridled fire power has been blinding me. I have been literally all over thee map. Thus I think has been the motivation for manifestation of my friend.

Contemplating the areas pointed out by my ever faithful companion, Xerxes, my black Panther totem, whom I have neglected for some time, and seeing that he was gracious enough to nudge me into consciousness, so to speak, about things that I have over looked, even forgotten. As we are proceeding through the birth canal before we emerge into our new existence there are number of issues still to be more proficient in, still to be addressed and completed. The term`shapeshift reality ` is most appropriate at this point of our existence. Though to be perfectly honest, I have been trying to do that, and these days I find myself more of  an observer of my own life, thus there is more clarity to situations.
I do understand when he talks about offering the power--he was talking about. I think more about the control of it, and reclaiming it in a way where I am the sole manipulator of is. He has it, but also has total control of it, that is his massage to  me. That is the thing he`s offering,-- control, protection and guidance. He has stood by me in the shadow--quietly, watching I have given him no credit for being such a loyal and a faithful companion through many life times, and the many roads we have taken together for which I have given him  no credit. No acknowledgement  have I given of his guiding presence, at times even ignoring him entirely . Yet, he persists as friend, helper and guardian tirelessly  --we both, listening to the voice of our light, our beacon Our Lady, both swearing homage to Her entirely, to our God. Her plan is our mission, Her will our will.

Ah, yes--as he now reminds me. That soul travel adventures we used to have years ago--time to return and discover new places of home once more. He also strongly  reminds me to remember all of the other dimensions we inhabit--in conjunction at the same, and that there is purpose to all --the wisdom of God is unfathomable. The whys, the why nots are all fall within the divine will of God, of the Universal mind, the Nameless, the Formless and the Eternal.

 We have travelled much as he reminds me, as well as that we now should start remembering once more, for time has come for certain events that will necessitate the knowledge we gained there, through those experiences. Recall the wisdom we attained there and now to put to use  all the  mystical powers we have learnt and have access to.
The kundalini needs our strong attention, it needs awakening from its slumber. Its time too has come to arise--as I am informed by Xerxes. Meditation, contemplation and prayer are paramount  in achieving the final stages of our new beginning-- as Our Lady stated; `Everything has to be experienced, none can be missed`. All fear, if still exists, has to be eliminated. Death of former self is required for our re-birth, there is no pain or fear involved, only if one does not know what the future holds. I know, as well as my faithful companion, as well as my my `Other Self` there lies the eternal truths. That is why the details, the subtle nuances are important. One of them is not to share knowledge strictly discriminantly--as some will use it in a negative way, trying to interject negativity into the situation, where none exists--only truth and light. Thus control and release of information has to be used wisely.

Honouring massages of feelings that are transmitted from the higher realms cannot be lost in the chaos of everyday life. Focus has to be precise, exact and to the point-- all else is of little consequence. Recalling that within darkness resides the mysteries and the secrets of creation, and all honor is to be given to it with reverence, to from Whom it all flows which is holy, it is sacred and it is everlasting. The very  purpose of existence.  Once you see, once you understand, once you realise, then you have full control which is the grace, which is the gift, which is our divinity.

Xerxes has his own power to gift-- to awakens the inner passions.Touch--whether mentally, spiritually or physically  is a significant path to awaken one`s concealed gifts, including asking to embrace sexuality fully. Ferocity, valour, aggressiveness and power are his personal symbols, thus is his teaching me in understanding these important attribute. He points out the realisation that a time of rebirth after a period of suffering and death on some level,  is always the end result. He  implies that old issues will finally begin to be resolved, or even that old longstanding wounds will finally begin to heal, and with the healing will come a reclaiming of power that was lost at the time of wounding.
 Xerxes, my special Black Panther totem  marks a new turn in the heroic path, if I listen to his well meaning advice and insight. It truly reflects more than just coming into `one’s own power`, as it were.  I have been in it, I have had possession of it, but little control of it. Thus a a reclaiming of that which was lost in a sense, --the control is what needs to be addressed. The intimate connection with the great archetypal force behind it. It gives an ability to go beyond what has been imagined, with opportunity to do so with discipline and control  is the spirit of imminent rebirth at a new level.

Thus my friend, companion Xerxes brings  a broader vision, a deeper insight, both spiritually and psychically. He, being into the light of my understanding the spiritual realms--as he as who inhabits the invisible has greater insight and a more enhanced panoramic perspective.His  gifts are different than mine which allows him to see things in close detail or from a distance, and from an other dimension.  Black Panthers, as Xerxes enter the world enlightened whereas others have to work to achieve that. Mostly he is silent, observing astutely and knows when to make himself seen and when to be unseen, thus at this time he has made his presence very obvious--the reason still is a bit obscure, for there is more to it that what I seem to realize, so he tells me.
Thus the my honorable Black Panther friend  is in a way the god of darkness in a way. Legend tell me that he is capable of causing eclipses by swallowing the sun, so say some Meso-American  myths. This reflects the tremendous power inherent within the feminine forces, with which he is associated with, though being male. His spirit reigns in the north with winter as its season of power, and water its most effective element. No wonder we are in harmony with Oliver.

This is one of the elements of his feminine side, which is most prominent. He symbolizes mastery of all dimensions and mysticism within which he is very proficient --which I should be more aware of.  Also that the dark moon`s energy and power  at is present time to be utilised and used--Why? That is still a mystery . He encourages me to understand that the shadow powers are as equally as strong as any other--it is available to all and to acknowledge these powers to eliminate our fears of the darkness.

When  such as Xerxes, a  Black Panther totem appears in any life, it is a gift of guidance from God, it is also a symbol of releasing one`s  passions, and starting a new phase of  life. Accept his presence in humility and with gratitude. He offers much through his experience and insight into the spiritual world that he is a citizen of and always has been. Spiritual strength, valour, faithfulness, power, are powerful gifts that he offers. He is an ever reminder and beckons one to consider our darker side -- to analyse  this side of ourselves and determine its motivation and its interpret the message that it brings.

As a Black Panther, Xerxes tend to have a keener sense of purpose, instinct and a  strong connection to the Creator whom sent him on this extraordinary mission, as a avatar, as a guide, as a teacher, a protector, a loyal friend and companion with extraordinary power--together forever on our different life journeys, always --ever together. I am in awe and total gratitude.

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