Friday 23 March 2012

God and identity

Absolute truth is summed up in our own identity and God`s identity. We are created by the creator. We are parts God and are God individualises, a point of light in creation. We are perfect.We are not truly our thought. We have the will to chose our thoughts. We , at our core are perfect, created in the likeness of God.

Therefore, our intention, or will creates either suffering or perfection. We can do anything when we tap into the Spirit of God, we can do new things, creativity is directly from this place. We can heal when we are within this love. Power, healing, energy, life, joy, it all comes from this place.

The essence of God is perfection. The essence of me and You is perfection. We have the incorruptible seed of self, which God created. We have the ability to call things into existence. If our thought betray us we are filled with fear and suffering, we receive that.

To enter this divine place we only need to to find the presence of God within ourselves, feel the love of God, the essence of who we really are, and allow our thought , dreams spring from this well. This is from where faith and creativity come from.

So all we need to go is to the beginning, to our roots. We are that goddess, we are that God, yet God is the infinite One who we are to expand and grow into, as we understand God, we become part of God, a partner, a co-creator. We are perfect...within the love of God.

love, light, peace,

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