The El Quatzel- is the great legendary bird of the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, who worshipped
the God, Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent. These civilizations depicted him, wearing a exquisite headdress, which was created from
hundreds of Quetzal feathers. The Resplendent
Quetzal`s name, comes from the Aztec
word, "Quetzalli", which means "precious" and "beautiful".
Exotic Aztec headdresses, created from the
of the male Resplendent Quetzals, were worn in
ancient Aztec ceremonies. They were worn
only by the great Aztec Gods, Priests, Warrior
The Aztec tribes would capture the
male Quetzals, and keep them alive, then they would remove their tail feathers,
and then release the great birds, back into
the rainforest, to grow
feathers. In this way, they always had
a growing supply, of beautiful Quetzal feathers, for their
leaders and ceremonies.

The ancient Mayans, treasured
the male's iridescent, emerald tail
feathers, they were more valuable than gold,
and if anyone was caught killing their sacred
bird, they were punished instantly.

Resplendent Quetzal feathers and green jade, were bartered and traded, throughout ancient Central and South America, the Mayan civilization, made them legendary.
Resplendent Quetzal feathers and green jade, were bartered and traded, throughout ancient Central and South America, the Mayan civilization, made them legendary.
It was the color,
of "Emerald Green", that the Mayans
cherished. "Emerald Green,
was the color of cool water springs,
the color
of life and the great rainforests. It represented their great
Maize Corn Crops, grown on terraces, high in
the mountains.
Emerald Green, is also known, as a very
healing color.
The ancient Aztecs and Mayan Empires
of South and
Central America, honored the Resplendent
as a symbol of their
independence and freedom. Especially at
a time, when Spanish Conquistadores, were arriving from Spain,
to conquer and rob the great civilizations of
their gold and riches.

Legends tell, of how the
Resplendent Quetzal got its
bright, "blood
red' chest, in 1524, when
Spanish conquistador, Pedro
de Alvarado, fought in battle with
the great
Mayan Leader, Tecun Uman.

When the great Mayan warrior chief, was falling to his death, an Exquisite Emerald Green male Quetzal, flew into the warrior's chest, to try to protect him, and when the protective Warrior Quetzal bird, regained his balance, it's chest was marked with the great Mayan Chief's crimson blood. To this day, it is the sign of great warriors.

When the great Mayan warrior chief, was falling to his death, an Exquisite Emerald Green male Quetzal, flew into the warrior's chest, to try to protect him, and when the protective Warrior Quetzal bird, regained his balance, it's chest was marked with the great Mayan Chief's crimson blood. To this day, it is the sign of great warriors.
Quetzal is the
most spectacular bird in the New World ,and is also the most sacred
symbol of the highly advanced Mesoamerican civilization.
To the ancient Mayas the Quetzal symbolized freedom and wealth. Freedom,
because a Quetzal will die in captivity.
A totem acting from of purest of heart and of respect,and in fainess in battle-- from the Mayans to The Aztecs, the Quetzal's Emerald Plumage and Ruby Crest equalled the brilliance of Deities, most notably Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl "The Plumed Serpent". To kill or harm a Quetzal could equal one's fate.
A totem acting from of purest of heart and of respect,and in fainess in battle-- from the Mayans to The Aztecs, the Quetzal's Emerald Plumage and Ruby Crest equalled the brilliance of Deities, most notably Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl "The Plumed Serpent". To kill or harm a Quetzal could equal one's fate.
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