Friday 23 March 2012

Love you:my other self

Jan 22/08
Sweetheart, darling Cicukam-my beloved Olie: I love You!

By now I would venture that You are out cold probably from all the stress and strain of the days happening. Dreaming.

What can I say? Only that I understand, know and feel all that You feel. The pain, the fear, the anguish, the suffering, the darkness, the helplessness--everything, all that is happening to You!

All that You say is very true, no denying it. I couldn`t agree more with You. I wish I could disagree with Your words, feelings and honest sentiments, however, I also have to say that everyone on this planet is in the same boat. I would venture to guess, but much worse. For they live a mindless often loveless life chasing `stuff` in quite desperation. I know it dosn`t make one feel better, but at least one realises that one is not alone. I have been filled with misery since the turn of the new year as well. It`s only yesterday that I had felt a little better, that is why I was able to fall asleep last night.

 True, You have one up on me regarding masochism, desperation and depression. But You are the artistic, sensitive spirit half of this group, that is why You are so wonderful in writing. If it wasn`t for that, hardly would Your words be worth anything. This is the price, the sacrifice You were willing to make when You agreed on the contract. Rather a high price, I have to add,  for the recognition of where we are, and where life is at for all in this existence, and to be able to see with clarity.

Now one would ask is that a blessing or a curse? Depends which viewpoint You look from. But remember my epitaph: `nothing is permanent but change`. And every moment is thus, no human condition is ever permanent. Despair not my dearest, for it shall change. Now, I don`t know to what, that will again depend on how, and from where You observe the picture from, but through these days will emerge the direction, and You will know. Yes  and like the Phoenix, You will rise.

I have no idea what is happening to Your house situation, but I do know that the best thing that can and will happen is if You get out of it! I also know that all this is also what is contributing to the way You are feeling. The uncertainty, the fear, the not knowing, the apprehension, the loss and even the question one`s own sanity. But we all are passing through the same scene! Just slightly at different times. And of course most do it mindlessly, or asleep, or rather more so in a coma from which they never awake. Now what is better I ask You?  One always have a choice. We put the value on ourselves--either worthless or of much value. Do not expect any thanks from the world--all it will just try to belittle You all the time, all people will!

You may feel all lost, but there is time to find Yourself still. But not in the life You are in now. Ah yes that term,`be reborn again`, has it merits. And as with all, at times we outgrow our old lives and must go to the next. Thus is with You, but there is sadness at leaving the old behind. Yes--ascension. I do like the term lately, makes a hell of a sense. I never really took it very seriously, but the past few weeks I do see that all is pointing in that direction. You have no idea how many sites I have visited and suddenly it all is falling into place.

 Yes...the old is falling away.--hey, maybe our DNA is changing, maybe we are becoming more crystalline, maybe we are in 4D already partly, but going further up to 9D , I hear.skipping a few in between as the word is splitting into different dimensions. I have read some stuff that I couldn`t even imagine, laughed at and  now it`s the only thing makes sense. The irrational has become the rational, the bizarre the norm and no I am not crazy. Truth is only the truth if it makes sense to one, otherwise it is a lie.

Okay--all is illusion, depends which one we create and accept. In the beginning I thought I am totally mad, but I am not. It is the world that is mad. It is in stasis, in a stupor from all the dull, ignorant, stupid materialistic minds.  Let them enjoy this paradise of 3D more power to them. I know that the end is in sight and things are afoot. I wouldn`t have agreed with all this a few weeks ago, but now I do. That is why we are feeling the way we do my love. Maybe there is something to Revelation after all. Never thought I would say this. I think I even know who the anti-christ is .NO I don`t think, I know! Now You think I have totally lost it, don`t You? I haven`t just seeing a bit more clearly, the veil is lifting. And absolutely nothing to do with religion either. And yes, though I am still a Catholic and die

As You know from my letters, I have been doing a lot of soul searching too lately. It ain`t easy when one has to confront all the crap within and without that suddenly hits like a ton of bricks. Yes, and it is easier when one knows that there is an other who cares, or at least knows about it, even if they can`t do anything about it. That is how I am with You, and You sweetheart with my morning cards. That is why I often miss You so that it seems to break my heart and feel awful when I don`t hear a word from you. And often just one word is enough, I know it is the same for You. These are the reasons of love--the voice of love that gives strength, courage to one`s soul. You said it also just in a more dramatic fashion. Yes, that writer in Your soul that is so expressive.

So many people are feeling the same, in similar fashion. They are all waking up. Being sorted in a way. They are all saying the same thing in different ways I am sure You have the same experience with different sites You visit. Mind You I am on sites I would have thought I would never visit. But then one asks the question why? The answer is` one is where one has to be` There are no coincidences, or sites where one is not sent for a reason.

Yes--and back to God who does work in mysterious ways in everything, and does orchestrate our lives to the last detail, but the outcome always depends on whether we listen or not to that voice that knows all, is all and loves us.To me it all comes down to surrender willingly to that will. The will of God till then all is in turmoil, chaos and a bloody mess. It is only God that gives us direction, peace, sense of love, of well being. God who allowed us to meet, to find each other, who has blessed us so. I often wonder why  us.

You say that You will settle for nothing less than perfect. Creation is a process. Perfection is a process even more so it`s getting there. If You would be perfect You would be here no more. As Our Lady said: all is for  `Expansion`. One cannot be there in one step. Thus too is perfection. It also takes some form of time, --maybe even linear time, dimensional time, space time. Who knows, but time. Thus we cannot be that, no matter how hard You are on Yourself my Cicu. Also in this new life I have have also concluded that compassion and love is the only key. Yeah, I always knew believed, but now it looks rather different. Unless we let stuff go, all the emotional baggage, grudges, hate, anger, rage, blame, resentment, negativity and all the other emotional garbage that weighs us down. And yes,one of the biggies: letting go of pain! It tends to perpetuate itself, having a life of its own. All pain present and more so from the past that blocks us from everything, mostly from God.

Until we  do as  the Japanese do, let all the stuff float down the river in little paper boats and say good riddance to it forever until we fully embrace all the positives sincerely, Uuntil we do all that completely with a sincere heart, with love, till then there is no escape from this 3D. No hope whatsoever, not a step closer to God. That`s all the stuff that anchors us here don`t You see? That is the saving grace. It`s crystal clear to me. God, I sound like one of those `lightworkes` You love so But it is true. That is the only redemption, for there has to be integration of light and darkness. We can`t fight either, must become one. All is balance.This is the only salvation for our spirit, our soul purpose of progression to higher realms can only come through this. If not, we are stuck in the muck indefinitely. Yes until we learn that proverbial lesson of letting go-- and practising  all the aspects of love, of compassion, of mercy, of forgiveness towards others, who are in fact part of us thus we do it all unto ourselves. Till we are able to face that, do that, we shall be far from perfect. This  is the price of wisdom, understanding, perfection and expansion.

Probably sounds like a whole lot of crazy rambling to You sweetheart, but perhaps there maybe a grain of truth in my words somewhere. Again, depends from where one observes from--we all have a different perspectives.

I have to stop here as I am awfully tired, I can`t keep my eyes is  6.22 am. Thank You for Your  beautiful card my love...A bit sad, it expresses Your feelings I know. I pray, for You all the time that You find peace and joy and love You have from me! You are loved beyond measure...We are so very blessed, don`t be sad. There is still some time . Your life will change, transition is not easy. Make peace with Your soul. Don`t be at war! You are in my thoughts every minute of the day believe it or not! I often wonder how it is possible to be so but it is. Put You life in the hands of God and it shall be alright!

I Love You my very other self!

Love forever...  kisses and hugs!
Deo/Dea gratias!

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