Thursday 23 February 2012


Last days?
With all that is going on in the world, I wonder sometimes. Noises in the sky, UFOs, Mayan calendar,  Hapgood Theory, Time Wave Zero, Schumannn Resonance, Nikola Tesla secrets, Magnetic Field, Pole shift, galaxy center alignment, procession of the equinoxes, solar flares, Nibiru, Nostradamus. Blue book, Bluebeam, HAARP, holy cow, hard to keep up! Holograms, remote viewing, time travel....back and forth. No wonder some of us are spontaneously combusting these days.

Light ships, dark ships, cloaked ships and the fleets of the Galactic federation hovering above us.There are more ascended masters with messages than grain of sand on the beach. Messages from my dear deceased relatives, dogs, cats and even good old George the parakeet. Contacts from various star systems, the Nehilim, Reptiles, the grays, probably the blues, the good as well as the ugly. Name it and the messages have come directly from Source.

Then there are the prophecies of Revelations and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius on top of it all and the list is endless.Then there is Creation theory, Intelligent Design theory, quantum theory, theory of relativity, string theory. There are many more theories than there are stars in the sky, including parallel universes, black holes and such. Angels, spirits, faeries, energies, good evil and some in between. We all are now a specific color, including Red, Indigo, crystals and ofcourse one is all the colors of the rainbow...nobody is just average Joe these days. We are all special, different an most definitely chosen by some higher power, though I don`t know what an atheist would call it.

Illuminati, FreeMasons, the Bilderbergers, Thosophists of Madam Blavatsky and other numerous persons and is enough to make one go over the cliff with those pigs. Earthquakes, tsumanis, hurricanes, core melting, magnetic field disruptions and volcanic eruptions. It sure keeps Ct.Kirk in business busy and in high demand on TV, including the dear ol` governor and Noory. All we need now is a collision with a comet, but then worry not as we can put Jean-Luc Pickard in charge, he is still going strong in the Federation of planets, probably a triple admiral by now, if there is such a rank.

There are enough conspiracy theories for ten lifetimes never mind one. Wow, we certainly are living it all in singularity. Is it exciting or what? All we now need is the anti-Christ, but I hear he is well and alive under numerous alias in England, maybe some where in the east or in an other galaxy ready to descend as we are all ready to ascend, into 4D, 5D or 6 D, the number is still in question, including 5th or 6th heaven...depends whom you ask the Maya or Hopi.

Each day I am looking, watching for the other shoe to drop. It is enough to drive one to distraction. However, I think that something will have to give. What on earth is going on? Certainly the new age has dawned on us. I am sure the Lightworkers are the busiest souls these day trying to manage all the energies and chaos and the confusion.

I think sweetheart you have it just right, I loved it when you sent it to me and I love it now. Thank you for it, it makes me laugh  and smile at your astute observation. Long as it is, it is a very worth read and very appropriate at the present time. It`s smart, satirical, cynical, funny, filled with humor and addressing all the issues. Clever, having deep intelligent  insight into our stupidity as a species. Congratulation baby, well done. Bravo!

In an age where every poodle-brained sorority cheerleader slips easily off of the Procrustean bed, fully equipped with Teflon teeth and a stock portfolio, ever ready to channel anyone from auntie Em to the highest angels of the unknown god, atheism becomes an ethical imperative. Verily, these closest living kin to the Komodo Dragon will blithely sell you every last platitude known to the cerebral programming of the lowest common denominator of the gene pool, as God’s own highest revelation, and that for only $19.95 plus shipping and handling--for a limited time only. You laugh? If the inane drivel of your average space monkey from the Pleiades is anything to go by then SETI is a lamentable waste of time, seeing as there is not the slightest trace of intelligent life in the universe. But after some five million years of de-evolving from the nobility of its simian stock what could one reasonably expect but the sad specter of a creature whose biggest problem is that it has nothing better to do than drive itself insane by thinking that it can actually think?

That your average human specimen is not capable of even a passable imitation of higher functioning is self-evident, and although it has long since been decided that a gradual euphemization of the species would be in order, we of the Intergalactic Sananda Confoundation would like to propose that the record be set straight before we descend from the heavens in clouds of glory, with open arms…to kill you. You Indigos, I mean. You see, after all these years, we still don’t know what exactly those poor, besotted Nephilim were thinking when they came down and sparked the hairless daughters of men. By that time the inbreeding sub-program implanted by the Rigelian Grays was well underway and the damage had been done—was irreversible, in fact—and so a bit of alien DNA was not going to make much difference. Can you fault the Nephilim for trying though? We are, after all, a compassionate consciousness. We are Lightworkers. We work the light to death!

It is true that we bred you solely for your nutritional value, but you need to understand that intelligence adds both tenderness and tastiness to the flesh. As is recorded in your myths…what you call lower life forms—these were provided for your sexual gratification, a fact that was lost on the more depraved of your number, namely the alpha males. Maintaining firmly the old adage that incest is best (yes, you are indeed all brothers and sisters) you mated only with your own kind. Need I spell it out? What you call cognition/mentation is a genetic mutation—an abomination before the Lord. It is a disease. It destroys true intelligence like a festering ulceration destroys the sweetness of a limb. And alas, it has rendered you all but inedible, and therefore useless, and hence expendable. Such a waste of a perfectly good mind.

We, therefore, applaud those of you who live lives of quiet desperation within the desolate confines of those polluted prisons you call cities. We applaud the poor in spirit, the sorely afflicted, the ones who mourn, but above all, those who have lost all hope—for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. But woe, oh terrible woe be unto you Indigos! You are the sickest of the sick, and thus, by the obdurate perversity inherent to the inverse logic of that which you deign to call language structures—by your own definitions, therefore—you are the most intelligent of the species, and by our lights, consequently the most tasteless and may we say it…the most unappetizing. In short, you milk-sops really stink. Know then that we have waged a relentless campaign against your alleged perspicacity—such as it is. We have fed into the gaping maws of your insatiable, insensate concupiscence the most abysmal of fantasies. We have befuddled you with morality plays of good vs. evil so singularly lacking in substance as to be but the scorned amusement of the least of our infant children. We have mainlined you with endless streams of toxic waste, and this you have deigned to call light. We have held mirrors up to your illusions of grandeur and your fascist ideologies only to find you besmirching us with imputations of the same, and that in tones of the highest praise. You call us the Great White Brotherhood. You call us everything from Ascended Masters, angels and saints to unregistered aliens--and we forbear, allowing the gravity of such insults to pass us by with utmost graciousness. We are Baal…your fathers. Drooling, insane and vainglorious—we have made you in our own image. We have told you…honor thy father and thy mother. But do you heed us? Oh, quite to the contrary. Instead of being what you are, you aspire to the very heights of cultural sophistication and spiritual refinement. How abject an end, how base a means thereto. We shudder in horror.

We gibber at you like goblins and you call it philosophy. We mock you and you feel duly blessed. We revile you and you repay us with humble worship. The stench of your narcissistic piety offends our nostrils. And our patience is wearing thin. We have fed you. Now we are fed up. Behold…we come. We come to obliterate the very memory of your beingness. And with great regret…we concede defeat. Our attempts to make you cynical and bitter have failed. Our attempts to frighten you into complacency, resignation, blind despair and fatalism have yielded no fruit. Our exhaustive disinformation wars have not made bloody relativists of you, let alone post-modernists. Quite to the contrary. Every idiocy that we have fed you, you have twisted and distorted beyond all recognition. You have made a virtue of every folly, of ignorance and rapacity you have made bliss, of vice and depravity you have fashioned religion. Our most strenuous efforts on your behalf have come to nothing. We tried to destroy the disease of your intelligence by inundating you with imbecility only to discover that you had made of our most patently ludicrous falsehoods and delusions the very truths by which you live, and indeed maintain, all that which you regard as your intelligence, your innate goodness, your magnanimity and your endless, futile, striving after spiritual illumination.

We, your fathers, have failed you. We turn away in shame. We taught you the joys of wanton destruction and alas, you learned only to preserve and cherish life. O woe, oh terrible woe. Oh where did we go wrong?

We had such high hopes for you. We had wanted only to make of you the purest of animals—the finest of delicacies. We meant no harm, surely you see that? Perhaps we were, in the end, too gentle in our efforts to lead you down the radiant path that leads to the sublime truths of nihilism…but we tried. Now we will try no more. The lethal virus of hope has run its ghastly course. We lead you now into the sweet embrace of annihilation. Please accept our most abject apologies in the names of Maitreya, Sananda, Walt Disney, and the chewy, pink, amorphous chaps from the non-continuum of the Pleiades.

Notation I : sub-section 23 Draconis

This message has been prerecorded and thoroughly edited for content, out of respect for the maturity of our American readers. God bless em, and, of course….always remember that by their spoils you shall know them! Please vote Republican. Keep fascism alive. Your species depends on it!

Your respectfully,
Sub-commander Kuthumi Yogi of the Ashtar Command Fleet, Omega 93-Desperation.

(Sector Alpha 999)

***Please note that the lite-transmission here above recorded by the medium reflects only the honest and humble insight and infinite wisdom of Saint Germane (or is that maybe not germain at all?) of the Ashtar Command. We are One. The medium, who is himself an Indigo--which is to say, bloody depressed--takes no responsibility whatever for the opinions here put before the reader’s consideration as the last and final breathless revelation of the Ancient of Days. The medium has, furthermore, been instructed by his parole officer, as well as by his mother, to never under any circumstances take any responsibility whatever for anything else either (since we all create our own reality). Besides, all is love and we are One. Why be so negative? I mean…if I may submit to your profound and conscientious deliberations the following observation (sans ego) namely that, um, despite the best efforts of the forces of darkness we, like, you know, almost made it. Okay? We are the few, the proud, the Ritalin generation. We love Yahoo ™.

Next month there will be a massive collision of two stars somewhere out in…uh…outer space, so hang on folks because there is going to be a lot of intergalactic photon activity in the 927th dimension. That is going to make for sunny skies and plenty of rain. Things will be undergoing a major shift and everyone is going to feel it, even if they don’t feel a thing on account of the fact that their pathetic vibrations are so low that they barely register in third density, and because they are so totally unspiritual. Anyway…you might be feeling a bit stressed. Or wait…sorry…you would have been feeling that last month. Next month you will be on the verge of total nervous collapse because that is how you have been feeling since day one of the Harmonic Convergence. Can you remember that far back? Doesn’t matter. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the shift isn’t about to happen over night. After all, time is relative. And we are all One. Isn’t that so cool?

And don’t forget—we are all um…so spiritually agitated. Remember, Taxi Driver? That’s us! We have no Mind. The sooner we surrender our puny egoic will to the great Hierarchy of Ascended Masters the sooner we will all be able to make the fourth density, leaving this sorry world, which we ourselves fucked up, to lower life forms. The dolphins will come with us though—Pocahontas told me so just last night. Together we will plunder and pillage and rape and pollute in the name of the Unknown God for all of seven eternities throughout countless infinite dimensions. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Nothing will change. Everything will be different. We will all live happily ever after as undifferentiated goo.
Oliver aka Indigo Dragon

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