Wednesday 22 February 2012

Dust to dust

Today was a glorious day, filled with sunshine, the golden shafts of rays of light streaming into my bedroom, the little specs of dust dancing in the sunlight. The sky shimmering blue, a gently breeze swaying the bare trees outside my window.  Then there ate sweet thoughts of you washing over me like a gentle tide which I can never escape. Ever returning. Like a rip tide pulling me into itself, into the ocean of your being, totally engulfing me. Oh, just to feel you for a moment as I do rejuvenates my soul. Many a day I catch myself musing over times with you. I feel your presence, I know how and what you are thinking

Today is Ash Wednesday. So today starts 40 days of contemplation perhaps, serious soul searching and introspection of spirit of whence we come and where our destination may lie. I haven`t started earnestly yet, maybe these record of my thoughts are but the beginning, I hope so. I am so lost, confused and confounded as to my path. I pray fervently for deliverance, not from, but into Her heart. To dwell and reside there in the presence of tranquility and love.

I am no great writer, teacher or interpreter  of divine truth , you are more apt at that. One truth is crystal clear: 
                                         Dust to dust, ashes to ash is our physical fate, 

 we are clear on that, this mortal shell  is just a mere vehicle of spirit . But, I am neither preacher, theologian nor philosopher to explore such questionable thoughts. All I know from the whisperings of my heart, and believe is that I am loved , cherished  and led by my God. Perhaps still by you. I have a higher purpose and a mission that we all committed  to way back time that we are under obligation to fulfill. Religion is just a pointer for my faith, my way and the interpretation lies within each heart.

Though you, my other self will strongly disagree with much of this. It is at times like these we are confront our differences of belief, not of faith  mind you, but religion. The  fiery preacher that you are, or rather the fire breathing dragon wielding that fiery sword of justice during times like these. Oh, those religious ritual will evoke that.

The hypocrisy, the lies, all the distortion of truth and the perpetuation of fear perpetrated onto souls in the name of religion is to your spirit  the ultimate mortal sin, the ultimate betrayal of the spirit of man. Well for you it is the so called missed the mark,  the true interpretation of sin, I agree.

Today is just a reminder of this for you and I, also that it is all but simply a fractions of the aggravations about the distortion of scripture that is strictly the interpretation of man, Make no mistake not by my Lord, for He has it absolutely right.

This has gotten you into deep trouble, serious altercations, almost excommunication and death of a brilliant career that you were offered by God Herself. Yep, you have the hummingbird as witness. Yes, you would have made a tremendous difference I know, but passion blinded you. But you still can and I know you will.

False doctrine caused you grief beyond measure. However, I am born Catholic and so shall I die one.  It is my compass, though I too find distortions, lies and misleading information in the name of my Lord painful and frustrating as it may be. But my truth is distilled form various spiritual truth, that resonate with me, thus probably I would be called a heretic by some.  Probably burnt at the stake a few centuries ago.

So, sweetheart try to be forgiving of me, I beg for your mercy and pardon. I did not do anything intentionally only out of stupidity, ignorance and unbridled ego.

As my Lord said; Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Forgive me and all whom so deeply have wounded you. Rise above it, keep your mission in mind and ales sal reg kom.

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