Tuesday 28 February 2012

Message Oct/2008

Your message from M through me....Love you baby: S

Yes listen and hear,You do neither. The humiliation comes from Your own self, not from me! Prayer is communion with me, yet there is non. You do it, but do You really? Prayer is total submission of Your soul in love to me, with pure loving intention, in gratefulness? Dare You ask what You have to be grateful for I shall not answer that for You. Is doubt that? Then why pray anyway? Prayer is communication between me and myself, that part of You which is me. I ask You. Do You love me? Yet  very much You doubt me!
How can You love something You don`t believe or doubt. Is it then not a futile exercise, perhaps of fear just in case I exist?  Proof You keep wanting once You believe, the proof will be there. It is not the other way around!

It is not your own voice Your hearing but that of ignorance of the physical aspects of my creation, not the God aspect. You must get beyond that. Science, physics, the mundane worldly life, go beyond thus there You shall find greater awareness, expanded consciousness. I did not say do not record our communions...I said do not tell the world at this point, and that You, yourself will have to one day. When? Well, in Your lifetime! I know You very well, however anger, frustration will get You nowhere, neither will wielding a sword. or Your stubbornness. No. But You will learn in time, not through fire and brimstone, but by the creation of Your own fire. I AM that I AM. Thus it is always will be like it or not. I don`t get offended angry, frustrated, vengeful as I know You and clearly the part that is this that is causing Your turmoil. No my sweet one...You are no lizard...far from it...but an angel of light, just a bit confused at times, and need to grow. You have the know how, but stubbornness never won any war!

Want of this plane? Far from it. You are one that want to be here more than anyone. but You want to know all. You can, and You could but You are your worst enemy, Your highest road block. Well ; that is meant to be but comes with certain attachments, namely faith. That ugly word that You can`t get Your head around!  I have made the mountains rock for You but You are too consumed with Your own little battles with me, to see clearly. UFO`s. many that too You fail to see. Angels, visions, special gifts all go unheeded. Ask you to be obedient. You are ridiculous! Free will I think for You is the curse.

Perhaps if I wanted you to be obedient You would be in this mess that You Yourself keep creating. So many signs,so much assistance, so little attention to it. only full of Your own self , constantly! our worst own enemy! As for sarcasm , anger, those have no place in Your heart or mine.

Devil? Are you serious? No wonder there is faith that You lack. There is no such thing only in Your little mind. Once You expand that mind it, shall vanish as the creation as it was in Your imagination!  MMm...nothing ever happened in Your life to think that gives You the idea that there is nothing beyond animal existence? Then why all this chaos in Your life. Why are You not at peace? Why don`t You just do and live and not think and contemplate these questions.? However be careful what You are saying, be very careful for You create Your own future I am You, in You, however You are the orchestrator of Your own will. In Your life I am the observer. I make suggestions, but be well aware that my will is the right way, but You can follow Yours!

Piety worship, adoration I never demanded . I will not for it has to spring from love for me from that part of my very self that is the divine in You. It will happen eventually when You chose it  is up to You. The path is clear, but threats have no power. I AM that I AM and You are I AM! The highest worship is loving the living God, that I AM! No one else before me no matter how You want to fight me. I am You and You are me! Challenge Your very self? How is that possible? My sweet Angel of Light .Inflicting pain and suffering on Yourself is futile for the end result is that. All must be. What does that mean? You know exactly far too well.

As for trying to bait me? Many through the ages have wanted to that. Free will is a curse somewhat, but thus was my gift to man. There is nothing wrong with questioning and doubting but in Your life You are far beyond that , but fail to see. Stuck in no man`s land for beyond all reason...for Your doubt, stubbornness, wantfulness, wanting to know now!

Yes I did promise that You can do greater things than I, but the caveat is first faith. Having that not a 100% is your restriction that You place onto Yourself, not I.  I am giving You all the freedom, all the possibility, expansion beyond reason, universal awareness  and immeasurable love! The mountains shall only move if You have faith hen all things are possible beyond Your wildest dreams, for which I created You!
I did not forbid any communications with You. Suzie and You are one soul, all I said that some are not important, however those communications are in Your heart! Why be offended? Both of You are equal one none  more than the other. How can You be?

The only thing that She has is faith and You the knowing. Do You not see that the two are part of a whole? Why do You find it so difficult? As for occult really I know you are beyond those parlor games. As for her, she has absolutely no knowledge of that. No expectations or preconceptions, but faith. Be not jealous of that fact. You have the power in you, seize it. A sword against me shall not do. You wouldn`t be able to even think of the thought.  AM that I AM, remember. All that You do, comes though me! She has no doubt about me either. Never did. There are many truths but all from me. I am not the Great Pretender You think I am! Be ever grateful to know ME...for I have created You and Your knowledge, understanding is deep. But all from ME!

Old magician with a bad temper? Onto God? No one is ever onto me I AM That I AM, the one and only living Supreme Consciousness manifestation of light, love and all of creation now and always.Well You rather brave, however I do smile, but.we shall leave this part now....as there is some things that You have to learn! Remember well.Thou shall not tempt Thou Lord Thy God ever!

Believe or don`t it is up to You...however this is no parlor game. I am no such entity and I smile at Your ignorance! Don`t  have trust me. You have a free will remember, but also remember I am God! Strange as it seems. I have always spoken loudly to many in ages past, and future ages, but only to those who hear. Fear not! And tempt me not, be very, very careful for You shall create for Yourself great despair, anger, great pain, great agony, suffering and frustration. All that will which will be of your own doing. You exercising Your free will! Not my will! I am love and light. I AM that I AM and whatever else You want to call me I am Your  living God, the only God!

I smile at You my Angel of Light but You will know! Ah yes one more thing:  that ugly word proof. Yes it is to be but as I said be careful always for what You ask for for You may , and will get it! You have started the wheels rolling!

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