Friday 9 March 2012

Sacredness/ Hafiz

The Persian mystic poet, Hafiz who lived in thirteenth century Iran, wrote numerous inspirational poetry. This particular poem is bestowed with Sufi theme and philosophy. Hafiz states that it is the time to let the world know about the grace of  the Almighty and realize the real essence of His existence, which in fact is our very own. Everything in the world is graceful and beautiful and entirely complete, including us.

We need to accept it all , these graces and gifts in the spirit of love and sacredness. The grace of the indefinable is everywhere, in air and round the corners-- in the all encompassing `All`, we need only to realize it. See it with the eyes of the soul.

'Now Is The Time', which is one of my favorites. It is condense in its meaning and inspirational in its purpose. Told in simplicity, with few words, that which is incomprehensible, unfathomable and most complex  question regarding spirit and existence.

Now Is The Time

Now is the time to know
That all that you do is sacred.

Now is the time to understand
That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child's training wheels
To be laid aside
When you finally live
With veracity
And love.

Now is the time for the world to know
That every thought and action is sacred.

This is the time for you to compute the impossibility
That there is anything
But Grace.

Now is the season to know
That everything you do
Is sacred.

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