Friday 9 March 2012

Prayers, intentions and power of faith

The power of intention is the term from the spiritual gurus, I call it prayer. It is that deep connection to the Divine Consciousness, the mind of God. It is pure and simple and God inspired. It is non- religious, though it can be for some, it is pure raw faith in its entirety. It is a universal law:

                         We don’t attract what we want. We  attract what we are. 

We make the mistake in trying to apply the law of attraction to things we want, that we desire. We demand from God all the time,  we try and test Him in every human way possible.  Most of our prayers according to research are about asking.  But God doesn’t work that way.  It’s all about allowing. About gratitude. Giving permission, giving over completely and trusting that the Divine Creator always works from love towards us, is pure love and wants nothing but the best for us. Thus, whatever the outcome, it is always to our benefit no matter how it seems at the time.  Bad or good.

This is terribly difficult. We always want our own way, think we know best and often feel abandoned, often angry and forgotten if our wishes are denied. We always think that we know best. Why is this so unfair? Why is it happening to me? How unfair? Why all the suffering? Why the pain? All the wars? Tragedies? Why do bad things happen to good people? It is always in a sense--me, me, me and more me, totally egocentric.

Those are hard testing times, and either one finds strength from it all, or loses faith in God entirely. Often may atheists will state this: If there is a God he would not let this or that happen. Look at all the unfairness. So where is God? There is no God.  However, the short answer is: We do not know the mind of God, neither do we know what is good for us, nor the purpose of our life, or of creation itself.

In the  Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu  over 2,500 years ago, there is a very profound  statement:  If you live from these virtues, then all that you could ever need or want could be provided for you..  These  virtue are four in number  is a very important concept in the `law of `attraction`. If we wish to know the truth of the universe should practice these four cardinal virtues.

The first is reverence for all of life. This manifests as unconditional love and respect of self and other living creations.

The second is natural sincerity. This manifests as honesty, simplicity and faithfulness. 

The third is gentleness, which manifests as kindness, consideration for others and sensitivity to spiritual truth. 

The fourth is to support, help others however possible. This manifests as service to others without expectation of reward.

Forgiveness is in fact kindness. It is love in the form of not wanting, rather giving. It is a form of selflessness and where the greed of ego is quenched though we may feel wounded. But unless we can forgive our selves, or an other we are stuck and we become limited in the expansion of our spirit. It becomes a road block, which unless removed stays there until something is done about it. Which, in fact maybe several lifetimes unless we recognize the remedy and act accordingly.

The notion of seeking what we want, or think we need, is not what the power of the universe is all about.  It is all about gratitude. Being thankful about all outcomes. The ego, the false self `s mantra is: What’s in it for me? How can I get more?  The process of allowing, just being and embracing this heightened level of consciousness, goes back not to attracting what you want, but attracting what you actually are, as a spiritual being, our real self, the divine self that is part of God.

One simply has to let go. That is hard at times, but it just has to be. One has to let go with total trust and allowing one to be one`s actual consciousness. Basically, what we see is a frequency of energy that manifests itself through the process of giving, of allowing, of offering and of serving. This process asks nothing back. This is love that permeates all, and lights up all, and expand right back into the heart of God.

 The concept of giving without expectations is the greatest love of all.The  great poet Hafiz wrote:
            Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth ‘you owe me.’

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