Thursday 8 March 2012

Escape beyond the moon the galaxy, beyond earth!

What wonder, what magic, what mystery!

Oh to be on that beautiful blue moon, in total stillness, silence and peace. Observing from a distance the confused planet earth . Do you at times feel like you want to escape there? I do. Escape into complete oblivion? Escape into some place where all the earthly , mundane and material  things are unimportant and are felt no more, feel no more?  The constricting shackles of body and soul fall away?.  The stifling and sucking the very life blood of spirit from one`s very being simply ends? Does that not sound like Nirvana? How do we get to that place?

I so wish simply just fly away to a safe and peaceful place and rest for a while. Fly to perhaps, perhaps into oblivion to a place, an era where all the normalcy of life seems to be but a dream. And, the dream is the reality. That is why I understand when some find refuge in various forms of  modes and methods of just getting lost. I am so very, very tired of life. Day in and day out always the same old crap. The minutes, days, months  and years have no more meaning. Is this ascension. To where? Probably it is just in the mind of all the souls who want escape these earthly bounds and dream of a better place.

We are all just tired of all, and everything. Nothing makes sense, nothing feels real, all is just a mess. Life and death that`s it. Going nowhere. The material means nothing, the spiritual means nothing and God is lost in all the confusion. Or rather we are lost that cord that connected us to God and are in total darkness and in utter blindness.

I often think of all the homeless as being free.  The lucky ones. The blessed ones. Having genuine freedom, being genuinely unfettered from the world and all its entanglements. They may have none of the material comforts, but they are free of the chains that of responsibility, of being able to fly in spirit. Like an eagle, not like a caged beautiful nightingale, that is imprisoned in a  golden cage.

At times darkness is such a peaceful escape, I understand you sweetheart and the times when you just want to break free of these earthly bounds, and just return home, where ever that may  be. You are so lucky, the different personas allow you the freedom  of experiencing in a strange way, different lives. Whether in your mind, or have the actual gift of  reality to access different realities, only you know. Our experiences are unique unto ourselves, reality is all in the mind or even in higher realms. I think those are the reals where the mystical experiences arise, the ones described by saints, sufis and other holy men.

I am not one of those, thus I dwell amongst the mundane and the ordinary and at times it pulls me down into the abyss of the dark and of devastating despair. Those are the times that I wish it would all end.But, I am a coward , I wish to live, yet a part of me wants to die, for I believe that in some way or form life goes on. If not, well then fine, then I am not the only one. Then, life makes no sense, and all is in vain anyway.

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