Wednesday 14 March 2012

Creation of a soul

Love is everything, love is God--is All.  Out of this love we were created. It is actual self realisation of God Himself. In turn, we awaken into the realty that we are part of God Himself.

Our origins are from God, pure energy--the All, the Divine Consciousness(God). We spring  from the very heart of Source(God) as a divine spark of this Universal Mind,(God) and each spark of this Energy Form (God) is an individual fragment or a copy of God Himself. The souls, are the individual sparks, as this Divine Energy Source explodes into physical existence,-- Not created,--- as they always have existed within this Supreme Universal Consciousness or Universal Mind (God).

We, the individual divine sparks, burst forth  in complete wholeness through the actual physical process of expansion of God, into the physical plane. We are the very fragment, exact in all likeness of Himself (God), who are brought forth into physical existence from the very heart of God, by Source Himself(God) This in religion is called creation.
                                               Jesus said: ye are all gods. Thus we are.

This is an actual  birthing of God Himself, coming into His own creation, taking physical form, in earthly existence--this is the manifestation of the will of the Great Divine Consciousness Himself (God), wanting to experience Himself. We, are each and individual divine spark of God Himself who have exploded out from Him (God). During this process we, each spark of God`s energy, were each split in two, through the actual physical process --and thus one spark (adult) became two halves (babies)--and this began the search for our other self  or twin to become whole again and thus return back as one to Source(God) as one whole once more, (but bigger and better) as we grew within each life time--We are greater than the sum of our two original halves. Thus the Universal Mind, Divine Consciousness, Source--GOD-keeps  ever expanding infinitely....from infinity to infinity.

Thus, we are all one half of a whole and are in a  constant quest to find our other missing part. Our very life mission  is searching for our other self, which possesses all the traits that one half lacks.We can never be whole unless we have all the traits, all the missing parts within us.Within wholeness lies perfection, for God is perfect nothing ever lacking.

This seeking, searching out can take one life time or hundreds of lifetimes--but return to wholeness is our destiny to  fuse with our other self . God`s purpose for all of this is to experience His own Self and in the process expand further the Universal Mind.(God). That is why we are divine cells in a way of the being of God, thus we are God. Akin to a fractals- we are actual exact copy of God.

The great secret of becoming whole is that once the soul is complete it will never reincarnate ever into this earthly plane--but continues its journey into other realms, other dimensions until finally it is back, within the Heart of God once more.

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