Saturday 17 March 2012

Eckhart and I

All the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace — arise from beyond the mind.

The spaces between the notes are the most important part of the music as the spaces between the words--so is  the `silence` which  are the silent spaces, within our lives. That is where we create, where we rest, where we dwell, where we regenerate and where we are our very essence, --our true self, our genuine being, our consciousness of being--where we realize our divinity, and our connection to ourselves, which is the God self.  It is actual self-realization. All else is ever changing, inconsistent, impermanent and fleeting. That essence never changes and it is the internal fabric for our divinity, the eternal that part of us which is a fractal of God . The ever existing, the non-perishing, the everlasting and the infinite.

As I have mentioned before that this year is special, maybe it is a perception projected by the 2012 phenomena onto my conscious mind, however somehow I do not think it is that. As all know I am a  strong believer in synchronicity--why, how, its purpose is not for this discussion, neither for my interpretation. At this moment in time it is just;`is`.

Looking back onto  my life, as an observer, I know that most of the philosophies, ideas that have germinated in me, are from the results of whom I am today. Including the way I look, perceive, and feel things. I am no special to any other human, we are all the same, some have just, or rather awakened sooner to the truth.Each  individual coasts along in their own time. Maybe that is free will. But choices we have.

For a long time I had a deep resentment against Oprah Winfrey. Why, I have no idea. Whatever she said, recommended or advised, I totally without even examination irrationally rejected it. There is something about her that I never got.Thus it was with Eckhart Tolle when she was so much into his teachings. I have read, listened many of  the `new age` gurus, and did learn and distilled my truth, though thinking with a rational mind. I know there is but one truth only. The resistance was long against Eckhart Tolle.

But, God works in mysterious ways. I have totally forgotten about him until Laurissa, my daughter bought a copy of the `The new Earth`. I vaguely remember reading  years ago, but its content , ideas came and went just as fast.

So by chance or serendipity or synchronicity I decided to listen to a few of his lectures.  It was as if I was  hit by a ton of bricks. Some deep seated memory from childhood, that I have always mentioned and known to people who are close to me took on new life. It has awakened a memory which was always present even as was a child  of  ten.... that was the first incidence that I remember, but there were many.  I had many of these same ideas always. Where did they came from? 

My observation of life was always in the present,-- a very conscious present. A present  infused with the idea that all is impermanent, all is passing and that I have to be fully at all times be conscious of it. Be here and now, see it appreciated and live it and, even record the events. I used to say `take a mental picture` of all things that touched my life.

Very few people have I shared this ever before, and probably has made no to them at all, but it always did to me.

There was an incident special incidence when I was sixteen. There was a dance in school one night, I was still at the convent then. I was in the cloak room, as it was called ...a room with hangers on the wall for our coats or what ever, below them short benches to sit on, four toilets and a tiny sink with a small mirror over it in an oak frame, just enough to see your head.

I was aware girls chatting around me, I remember looking into the mirror and seeing my reflection, I saw I had a pretty summer  dress on with black and white checks, my hair was pulled to the side into in a `side pony tail`. I was consciously aware of everything all around me as I stared into the mirror at my reflection. As I did this I became so very aware of my own self in the mirror, almost like a stranger observing somehow my own self, quiet impartially, but I knew it was me and some voice said internally;` look hard and well and be grateful now that you are sixteen. Appreciate this moment, remember it. And then  an other thought arose, about how all these girls around me wanted to be older, wanted  to grown up as fast as possible. I wondered for a moment  as I realized how I wished otherwise. I wished to have stayed frozen  in that particular moment forever, I knew that the moment I was experiencing would never return. It was a moment of `total bliss` for I knew that I was happy and that is what I wanted to immortalize.

I am often times very present in the now, as years went by it got a bit jaded, and somehow it got overtaken, lost in a way, pushed out by the past and the expected future. But I have always known that this underlying awareness is the manifestation of our divinity, presence of God or the momentary awakening from our dreaming.

So by chance, where there is no such thing for me, the Universal Mind, God always has a plan, I was lead back to Eckhart Tolle once more; though various readings and `way pointers`.

This little wonderful, nondescript man, with the insight of the ancient teachings, philosophies of the ages has the gift of being able to express in simple terms the enigma of the ages, the message of spirit that  holds me and all of us in awe and reverence.

 “To love is to recognise yourself in another. A genuine relationship is one that is not dominated by the ego with its image-making and self-seeking. In a genuine relationship, there is an outward flow of open, alert attention toward the other person in which there is no wanting whatsoever.”...can never be more accurate than that..can it ?

Stillness, and being totally immersed in the now is the only place what makes sense to life and for reasons of being. I now see with new eyes, hear with new ears and the vision of my horizon lies in the present, with each moment rooted in the now and awareness of every nuance in my life, from the least to the most complex.

From stillness arises total bliss, happiness, and creation of  new thoughts

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