Thursday 30 May 2019

The nature of light

Image result for images light and dark
Every morning I go for a walk with my dog into the forest-it is a wonderful quiet , peaceful time to commune with nature. These days we are so engulfed with the material world that we pass up so many opportunities to experience the energy and tranquility of Gaia. If one sees with the heart, not with the eyes then one realizes that everything is radiating different levels of light. Our radiant energy changes-this is the light that we spread from our over-soul or spirit or our light body. This energy waxes and wanes like the moon-at times we have to much, other times too little-in nature we are able to find the exact formula for balance, and in return-we balance that which balances us, thus it is a symbiotic relationship. All in creation is thus.

Once we learn to recognize and realize the levels of energy flowing through us , then this becomes second nature with practice, then one is able to control  its ebb and flow. This ebb and flow determines the levels of peace, joy, compassion, happiness, forgiveness, gratefulness, mercy and all other positive traits of spirit which expands the parameters of the soul. This is the nature of light. -also all the negative aspects of spirit-anger, hate, envy, frustration,  indifference, depression, apathy and all the other negative qualities of spirit which diminishes the parameters of soul.  This is the nature of darkness. Through the positive aspects we grow, through the negative aspects we stagnate.

So, we should strive to spend  as much time as possible within the borders of all that what engages spirit in a positive context. We should spend more time within the confines of the sounds and sights of nature that is filled with the beauty of light which replenishes the soul. It allows us to grow and propel us further along our path towards our final destination. In this modern age of materiality and technology it is easy to lose the way and follow the road of darkness.  Be conscious of every moment of life and walk on the path of light, which translates into love. For in three small words creation and our life`s purpose is explained- “Strive for love”, for we are “Love”.

Remember everything is in the process of constant change, nothing stays the same-each day is an opportunity to generate more light, even if yesterday was filled with darkness . A spark of light over comes a room full of darkness-so forget your darkness.

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