Monday 10 September 2018

Of Muses

Image result for greek muses
It is said that most often than not-many artists, writers or to be the best one can be for inspiration one needs a muse . Most great composers, artists, poets, even great historical figures like Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Marcus Aurelius…. even Albert Einstein had a muse. They are “someone or something” a manifestation form of divine energy of sorts-pushing our deepest buttons, a conduit that  brings forth the best from us in every way .  Well-that is what love does-dosn`t it? Sure, to be an artist or, writer  is still possible without a muse-but a muse is there for motivation and inspiration that come from a very deep soul level-there is a soul connection and a creative energy is unleashed in some form. We are our best when we function from that level-and it is most authentic part of our being which is often locked away. However our muse propels us, to be the greatest that one can be. We are individuals , we are all different as to what we call great. So what I call great is compared to myself-has nothing to do with money nor fame, neither popularity nor success or other people- but satisfaction of the heart within. I often compare it to growth of the soul, as that what the goal is of temporal life.

Muses come in different forms-not necessarily a person,-but, most often it does.  However, anything or anyone that ignites our creative energy-to bring out the best in us, is our  muse. Most often it is an other human being that we feel a deep connection to, a deep spiritual tie, perhaps from an other life time, or other reasons that at this time with our mind we cannot understand. We all have this force within us. perhaps some divine sleeping energy that needs awakening-our muse does that. Most often one thinks of women inspiring men , or men inspiring women, which is true- in a deep romantic way. That is alchemy of  love. When we love, or are loved we create magic-create miracles.This internal fire is ignited within and brings forth our internal light.

Love; in myriads of forms is really the basis of a muse-if there is no love, there is no muse present, so we are not at our best. They emerge from the very essence of the love of God in various forms,- spiritual belief, religion, poetry, music, a beautiful sunset , an awesome snow fall, an ice storm or yes-people we deeply love-at a soul level is often your muse. It is a manifestation of God`s presence in physical form. Not always in the actual physical act of love, but the spiritual act of love.

The philosophy or idea comes from Greek mythology-they had 9 muses in their pantheon, they were all daughters of Zeus,-they ruled over sciences and the arts. In Hindu religion it is Saraswati and numerous others come to mind from ancient texts. Thus the idea goes back a long way-but we all have them and when they intervene, the ideas keep flowing from some divine part of our being and we become the best we can ever be. So-time to find your muse. Have you?

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