Tuesday 28 August 2018

A little blue

Image result for sadness
At times one often goes through periods of what one may call strange, and non-understandable. Why this is only the universe know, but there is always a reason for it I know. One seems to lose the thread of life within moments, and one questions all of life-but we all go through this at some point.

Even though Eckhart Tolle reminds us to be in the now, be present and see and allow all to seep into our consciousness-the ego seems to bleed through and messes up things. He is right is all he says, as he has been through and is very conscious of awareness, stillness and the function of the higher self, but we are all different and at times one sees a different picture-.

As Wayne Dyer so profoundly put it-“ change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. This is not easy at all, when we have been conditioned otherwise. 

At times dark clouds descend on one, and is hard to get out from under it-and much of the past returns, which is exactly the opposite that Tolle says should happen. But-the mind , the ego is at a constant battle –and often one wins or the other.

Today is not a good day-why? I have no idea. Just is.  We are souls that are so fragile, so easily hurt and totally alone, even if we are with someone. Today I feel utterly alone and lost. Ah-a pity party? I am seldom a guest at those events. 

Maybe I have just been thinking much of the past, and have forgotten the present, the now that one should focus on-but it is never easy no matter who tells you. But-life goes on, as it must as long as predestined and the rest is up to God.

Perhaps it is that today I have revisited the past far too much-and that gets me going, though
I know better-but my humanity just comes through-no matter how wise I feel I am, no matter how spiritual I seem to feel, no matter how I try to be following the teachings of some teachers of spirituality that I feel close to-today all fall by the wayside.

True-I should seriously realize that we are showered every day with the gifts of the Earth, gifts we have neither earned nor paid for: air to breathe, nurturing rain, black soil, berries and honeybees…all sorts of wonderful food, and the exuberance of a field of goldenrod and asters at full bloom as I walk though our awesome  forest. So I guess I should be happy and give thinks for I have nothing to complain about.

The earth calls us loudly towards gratitude- so thank you. Though at times the balloon with that heart felt message seems to flies off!


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